Reviews by ToniaM

I always search to see if you have info when there’s a problem. Your article about a prolapsed vent immediately saved my hen, thank you, again!
I have a 16wk old EE, there is fowl pox going through some of my younger ones and perhaps her. Her comb looks crusty on the edges but no true blisters. She is leaking clear fluid out of her beak to the point her beard is saturated, moving a bit slow, eating but hanging in there. I read it could be sour crop which is what brought me here but I don’t see where you say that is a symptom. I’m stumped. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Any ideas? Her crop is super mushy not firm this evening.
If the fluid is leaking out of her nares, it may be a respiratory infection. Fluid leaking from her mouth would likely be associated with sour crop or impacted crop. Check her crop in the morning. If full and not empty as you would normally find it, then you probably are looking at a crop disorder needing treatment.
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