Reviews by foolishcop

How Much Room Do Chickens Need?

7 min read
4.93 star(s) 104 ratings
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As others have noted, the article covers all the important points you need, especially if you're just starting out. But I have to disagree with the rules of thumb for space requirements.

I began keeping a small backyard flock 6 years ago. I have 4 chickens. I built a coop and run based on those rules. I have a 4x4 coop and a 4x10 run attached to it (14 ft if you count the space under the coop). Pretty quick I realized that was going to be cramped when they grew.

While I think the coop size is fine (they tend to huddle together even in the summer months), the run would be looked too confining. Maybe they could survive there, but their quality of life would be diminished.

I ended up closing off a 15x20 foot area around the coop and run and gave them that area to move around in. Eventually *they* decided even that was not enough and one of the smaller hens began flying over the fence into the backyard.

While I could have clipped her wings or raise the fence height, I decided to let the girls free range throughout the backyard. I think they're much happier for it.

Obviously not everyone can do that, but I think the "rules" should be updated to allow for more space per bird. While that might result in fewer people owning backyard chickens I think it's ultimately better for the health and welfare of the chickens.

We wouldn't keep a dog confined in such comparatively close quarters, and we shouldn't keep our girls cramped in these small spaces either. It may be a controversial opinion, and maybe I've gone all soft since getting chickens, but living with these beautiful animals day-to-day has given me a much greater appreciation for their intellect and well being.


Kuntry Klucker
7 min read
5.00 star(s) 48 ratings
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I've only been raising chickens for 4 years and it was originally for the purpose of eggs and meat. I figured I'd get a couple of years of eggs from them and slaughter them afterwards for their meat and replenish the flock with new chicks in a continuing cycle. That's not how it's worked out though. My girls are no longer considered potential meat birds and are instead every bit as much pets of the family and I'll also keep the ladies well into their twilight years, hopefully rewarding them as much as they have me over time.
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