Reviews by CrystalAnon

Reasons To Grow A Chicken Garden

BYC Project Manager
5 min read
4.63 star(s) 16 ratings
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Great info & ideas! If I had a larger growing space… well I have plenty of space but our soil is not naturally great for gardening, and we have tons of tree roots (and where there’s not roots, crab grass), so it’s difficult to actually start a garden in the ground here. We had to build raised garden beds. We ended up having to create an enclosure for the garden beds as well, so the deer, squirrels, our chickens & the neighborhood peacocks would not decimate it immediately & throughout the seasons. Had to replant our peas because I planted them before we built the enclosure, and even though my ladies are not very fond of pea shoots (the only greenery that can grow in the run), they pulled them all up. Plus they have a fondness for fertilizer! We need a cage around the base of all of our young fruit trees, so they don’t scratch out & eat the fertilizer we use for our fruit trees.we also had to cage our tomato plants because they loved eating the leaves, as well as the fruit.
We only have 9 chickens! And they can do damage. I’ve just been cutting overgrown mustard, radish & chard leaves in our garden for them. They love those.
I can’t imagine being able to have a garden that could keep up with our chickens. That would be amazing.
I know people do it! We’ll see, going forward. Maybe I’ll try a garden just for them. Just rip out some of our weed-lawn. 😂👍🏻
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