Chickens are interesting creatures, and they are lot of fun to have in a country setting. Naturally, it may seem a daunting task to care for them, which deters many people. Also, their behavioral cues can be confusing. However, this does not have to be the case. Of course, as animals, chickens cannot be fully understood; however, a basic comprehension of their lifestyle is important. Knowledge of breeds and their uses is also excellent to have.

Caring for chickens is not a difficult task, if done properly. They do not need much attention, for they have independent spirits, and can nearly take care of themselves from the moment they hatch. It is really only necessary that they have a constant supply of food and water, and if they are allowed to forage, even this is not supercritical. It is possible for them to live in a small space; however, they will be much healthier and happier when allowed to roam over a large plot. For many, the worst part of keeping chickens is cleaning up the mess they make, which can be frustrating. Chickens are natural diggers, and they will scratch through many things in pursuit of food. Caring for chickens, however, can also be a very rewarding experience, and can keep you entertained for years.

Chickens are flock birds. They keep a strict system of hierarchy, which is called a “pecking order,” in which the stronger, larger chickens are typically higher, and the smaller, more timid birds are lower. For a chicken owner, the pecking order can sometimes cause large problems, but overall it is essential to the health of the flock, and is instinctive of chickens. Chickens, ideally, will spend all day roaming about, finding their own supply of food in insects, plants, and fruits. This is another way that the hierarchy system is important, as the chickens higher will scout out sources of food, and will also keep an eye out for danger. This is usually the rooster’s job, as the highest in the flock, but in the absence of one, the hens will also take on this job. Another important part of a chicken’s life is dust bathing. When chickens find a dusty patch of earth, they will lay down and fling soil all over themselves. This behavior is believed to rid off mites and parasites, and also may be a sociable occasion. Watching the behavior of a flock of chickens can be a source of endless fascination.

Many breeds of chickens have been created. There are many different sizes, feather patterns, temperaments, and uses. Egg layers are used, as the name strongly suggests, primarily for their eggs. There are, in fact, quite a few colors of eggs, including blue, olive, and pink. Some breeds are raised for their meat. These are generally larger and leaner, with less fat and more muscle, which is ideal for efficiency. Other chickens are known as dual purpose. These are used for eggs and meat, and are probably the most common breeds. A smaller, less known attribute of keeping chickens is show birds. These are typically smaller, with beautiful long, shiny feathers. All these breeds of chickens may originate from the Wild Junglefowl, which lives in Southeast Asia.

Chickens are a great addition to a homestead, of even just to have in your backyard. Naturally, they are ready to supply you with consistent quantities of eggs, which are much better than eggs from the store. While they are also a source of meat, if you so desire. Caring for them is, surprisingly, not difficult, and their behavior does not take long to figure out.