A duckling's near drowning and the issues that followed...

This gives me hope for my baby waffles. I don’t know if she had a drowning situation, I truly don’t think she had but it’s possible? She shows ALL the symptoms you explain if your duck. Loss of balance, not quick to treats , wobbly body with an odd hanging head and waddle. But she still eats and drinks. She truly does seem like she has some brain damage? I’ve had her on niacin supplements for 10 days with some improvement but not enough to think that was her problem. I will definitely be contributing the niacin and hope with age she improves ❤️
I feel so sorry this happened but I am grateful for the reader sharing thus story of what could go wrong with ducklings in water. Article well written.
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I, too, learned this lesson the hard way. Who could have guessed (certainly not the kid that I was!) that a duck could drown? Thank you for this well-thought-out and very nicely written warning.
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Seems absurd on the surface! But then it is DUH! after the fact. Crazy
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