I always wanted to have chickens and here I am with my first chickens since childhood and I'm 70 years old. I researched and researched and think I found the perfect combination for me. I live in downtown San Antonio, right near the riverwalk in a hundred year old house. I already had this little workshop in my yard so I thought I'd have my coop attached to it. Since I'm old, I wanted an easy way to clean it, so I had a large door open to the coop for easy cleaning, and the eggs can be easily picked up from the lift up lid on the outside. I had the enclosure made of redwood and a fine mesh, metal sheeting was buried about a foot and a half down so critters couldn't dig in. The only change I would make is I wish I would have raised it a little higher, so the chickens would have more room underneath the main coop. All in all, it's worked well.
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