
Wether you like your chickens for meat, eggs, or both! lots of people like chickens to be a farmyard feathered friend, and these are some of the best pet chicken breeds you can own!
There are many awesome pet chickens to own, but these are some of the awesome ones.



Cochins have a wonderful personality, their great with kids and are very well mannered chickens. not to mention, their beautiful! Cochins are great mothers and go broody often. Though, They arent the best egg layers usually laying around 180 eggs a year.

Breed: Cochin
Eggs a year: Around 180
Temperment: Sweet, easily tamed, good with children & beginners
Broody: Yes



Silkies are the fluffiest chicken breed in the world, aside from their good looks and rabbit-fur feel, they make awesome pets and great mothers! (Though a little derpy)

Breed: Silkie
Eggs a year: Around 100
Temperament: Calm, Friendly, Sweet natured.
Broody: Yes



Buff Orpington chickens are sweet birds, not to mention good egg layers!

Breed: Buff Orpington
Eggs a year: Up to 280
Temperament: Docile, calm and friendly, Rarely cranky.
Broody: Yes



Jersey giant chickens, as their name suggests, are big birds, In fact, the Jersey giant is the biggest chicken breed in the world!

Breed: Jersey Giant
Eggs a year: Around 180
Temperament: Docile, mellow & calm.
Broody: Yes, but can crack eggs with their weight

There are so many chicken breeds, unfortunately i cant go over all of them!