It's fun and rewarding to raise chickens. You'll get to know your birds' personalities when you spend time with them. Occasionally, they'll even eat out of your hand! You will find that your chickens appreciate a variety of diets just as you do. You've come to the right place if you've been wondering what healthy chicken treats to feed your chickens.

The Right Type of Feed​

Before you can start thinking about treats for your birds, you need to ensure they're getting the right type of feed. It's a good idea to start out with chick starter and grower when you have baby chicks. Providing them with this type of feed ensures they receive all the nutrients they need.

You will need to switch over to layer feeding after about 18 weeks. In this feed, sufficient calcium is included for laying hens. Switching feeds abruptly can upset the stomach, so make sure to do it gradually.

Now let's explore 16 healthy treats for your chickens:

1. Scratch Feed​

Scratch Feed

Scratch feed is a common treat that is often given to chickens. Scratch feed is typically a mixture of grains, such as corn, wheat, and oats, and can be a tasty and nutritious snack for chickens. However, it is important to feed scratch feed in moderation and understand its nutritional value.

Scratch feed is a high-carbohydrate treat that is relatively low in protein and essential nutrients. While it can provide chickens with energy and help keep them warm in colder temperatures, it should not make up more than 10% of their diet. Overfeeding scratch feed can lead to weight gain, obesity, and nutrient imbalances in the chickens' diet.

In addition, scratch feed should not be used as a substitute for a nutritionally complete diet. Chickens require a balanced diet that includes essential nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and minerals. If scratch feed is being given as a treat, it should be balanced with a nutritionally complete diet that provides the chickens with all the nutrients they need for optimal health.

Ensure that the scratch feed is clean and free from mold and other contaminants. Moldy or contaminated feed can lead to health problems in chickens, including digestive issues and respiratory problems.

2. Mealworms​


Mealworms are a nutritious and popular treat for chickens. They are a good source of protein, fat, and other essential nutrients, and can be a fun and tasty addition to your chickens' diet.

When feeding mealworms to your chickens, it's important to choose high-quality, live mealworms that are raised specifically for chicken consumption. Dried mealworms can also be offered, but it's important to make sure they are free of any harmful preservatives or additives.

Mealworms can be offered to chickens either as a standalone treat or mixed in with their regular feed. Some chicken owners also use mealworms as a reward during training or as a way to encourage chickens to come to them.

It's important to note that while mealworms can be a healthy and enjoyable treat, they should not be offered as a primary part of your chickens' diet. Chickens still need a balanced diet of chicken feed and other nutritious foods to maintain optimal health.

Additionally, too many mealworms can be harmful to chickens, as they are high in fat and can contribute to obesity and digestive issues if given in excessive amounts. Therefore, mealworms should be offered only as an occasional treat and in moderation.

3. Cooked Oatmeal​

Cooked Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a good source of carbohydrates, fiber, and protein, which can provide your chickens with energy and help keep them healthy.

When feeding oatmeal to your chickens, it's important to cook it thoroughly (raw oats can be difficult for chickens to digest and can cause digestive issues) and without any added salt or sweeteners. You can offer the oatmeal to your chickens warm or cool, either as a single serving or mixed with other nutritious foods, such as fruits or vegetables.

It's also important to note that while oatmeal can be a healthy and enjoyable treat, it should not be offered as a primary part of your chickens' diet. Chickens still need a balanced diet of chicken feed and other nutritious foods to maintain optimal health.

Additionally, too much oatmeal can cause digestive issues in chickens, as it is a high-fiber food. Therefore, oatmeal should be offered only as an occasional treat.

4. Bread​


Bread made from whole grains can be a good source of carbohydrates and fiber, which can provide your chickens with energy and help keep their digestive system healthy.

When feeding bread to your chickens, it's important to choose bread that is made from whole grains and without any added salt, sugar, or other harmful ingredients. You can offer the bread to your chickens in small pieces or torn into smaller chunks to make it easier for them to eat.

It's also important to note that while whole-grain bread can be a fun and tasty treat, it should not be offered as a primary part of your chickens' diet. Chickens still need a balanced diet of chicken feed and other nutritious foods to maintain optimal health.

Bread should not make up a significant portion of your chickens' diet, as it is not nutritionally complete and may cause digestive issues if given in excessive amounts. Therefore, bread should be offered only as an occasional treat.

Alsp avoid feeding bread that contains mold, added sugars, or other unhealthy additives. These can be harmful to chickens and can lead to health problems.

5. Berries​


Berries are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help support your chickens' overall health and well-being.

Some berries that are safe and beneficial for chickens include strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and cranberries. You can offer these berries to your chickens fresh or frozen, either whole or chopped into smaller pieces.

When feeding berries to your chickens, it's important to avoid any varieties that may be toxic or harmful, such as pokeberries, mistletoe berries, or nightshade berries. You should also offer berries in moderation, as they are high in natural sugars and can contribute to obesity or digestive issues if given in excessive amounts.

6. Yogurt​


Yogurt can be a healthy and nutritious treat for chickens, but it should be given in moderation and as part of a balanced diet. Yogurt contains protein, calcium, and probiotics, which can help support the digestive health of chickens.

When giving yogurt to chickens, it's important to choose plain, unsweetened yogurt without any additives or flavorings. Too much sugar can upset their digestive system, so avoid giving them flavored or sweetened yogurts. Also, ensure that the yogurt is fresh and not past its expiration date.

To feed the yogurt to your chickens, you can mix it with their regular feed or serve it separately in a small dish. Chickens usually enjoy the taste and texture of yogurt, and it can also help keep them hydrated during hot weather.

7. Apples​


While chickens can eat apples, they should only be given in moderation as a treat and not as a main part of their diet. Apples can be a healthy snack for chickens as they are a good source of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C and potassium.

However, it's important to remember that chickens have specific dietary needs and a balanced diet is essential for their health and well-being. Their primary diet should consist of high-quality chicken feed that meets all their nutritional requirements.

The cores of apples are controversial, however. Cyanide is present in apple seeds. In spite of this, most chicken keepers agree that there is not enough of it to kill birds. It's best to remove any seeds from each core before giving them to the flock, just to be safe.

When feeding chickens apples or any other treats, it's important to cut them into small pieces and feed them in moderation to prevent overconsumption, as too many treats can lead to obesity and other health issues. It's also a good idea to avoid feeding chickens any spoiled or rotten fruit, as it can make them sick.

8. Pumpkin​


Pumpkin can be a great treat for chickens! Not only is it a nutritious food, but it can also provide enrichment and entertainment for your birds.

Pumpkin is a good source of fiber, vitamins A and C, and potassium, which can help support your chickens' health. Feeding your chickens pumpkin can also help them stay hydrated, especially during hot weather.

To give your chickens pumpkin as a treat, you can either cut it into small pieces and offer it to them directly, or you can puree it and mix it with their feed. You can also bake or roast the pumpkin and then offer it as a warm treat.

Pumpkins should be given in moderation as a treat, and not as a substitute for their regular feed. Additionally, be sure to only offer fresh, ripe pumpkins to your chickens, and avoid feeding them any parts of the pumpkin that are moldy or rotten.

9. Leafy Greens​

Leafy greens

Leafy greens are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber that can help promote good health and digestion in your chickens.

Some popular leafy greens that you can feed your chickens include spinach, kale, lettuce, collard greens, and chard. You can offer them in small amounts as a supplement to their regular diet of chicken feed. It's important to introduce new foods gradually and in small amounts to avoid digestive upset.

It's also essential to ensure that the greens are fresh and clean, and free of any pesticides or harmful chemicals that may be harmful to your chickens. You can grow your own leafy greens or purchase organic produce from your local farmer's market or grocery store.

Overall, leafy greens can be a great addition to your chickens' diet as a healthy treat that can provide essential nutrients and support their overall well-being.

10. Watermelon​


Watermelon can make a delicious and healthy treat for chickens when offered in moderation. Watermelon is a good source of vitamins A, B6, and C, as well as potassium, which can help promote good health in chickens.

When feeding watermelon to your chickens, it's important to remove the seeds, as they can be a choking hazard. You can also cut the watermelon into small pieces or chunks to make it easier for your chickens to eat.

In addition to being a tasty treat, watermelon can also help keep your chickens hydrated, especially during hot weather. Just be sure not to offer too much watermelon at once, as it can cause diarrhea in some chickens.

11. Cottage Cheese​

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is a good source of protein, calcium, and other essential nutrients that can help support your chickens' overall health and well-being.

When feeding cottage cheese to your chickens, it's important to offer it in small amounts as a supplement to their regular diet of chicken feed. You can mix the cottage cheese with other treats or with their regular feed to add some variety to their diet.

It's also important to choose plain cottage cheese without added sugars or flavorings, as these can be harmful to your chickens. Additionally, be sure to offer fresh cottage cheese and remove any uneaten portions after a few hours to avoid spoilage.

12. Tomatoes​


Tomatoes are a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as other essential nutrients that can help support your chickens' health.

When feeding tomatoes to your chickens, make sure you feed them ripe tomatoes and remove the stems and leaves, as these can be harmful to your chickens. You can cut the tomatoes into small pieces or slices to make them easier for your chickens to eat.

It's also important to note that tomatoes are a member of the nightshade family, and some chickens may be sensitive to them. If you notice any signs of digestive upset or other health issues after feeding your chickens tomatoes, you may want to avoid offering them in the future.

13. Grapes​


Grapes are a good source of vitamins C and K, as well as antioxidants and other essential nutrients that can help support your chickens' overall health and well-being.

When feeding grapes to your chickens, it's important to cut them into small pieces or slices to make them easier to eat and to avoid any potential choking hazards. You can also freeze the grapes for a refreshing summer treat.

It's important to note that grapes, like many fruits, are high in natural sugars, so you should offer them to your chickens in moderation. Additionally, some chickens may be sensitive to grapes or other fruits, so it's important to monitor your chickens' reactions and adjust their diet as necessary.

14. Eggs​


Eggs are an excellent source of protein, vitamins, and minerals that can help support your chickens' overall health and well-being.

When feeding eggs to your chickens, it's important to cook them first in order to prevent your flock from eating their own eggs. Breaking this habit can be difficult. You can scramble the eggs, hard-boil them, or even bake them into a quiche or frittata for your chickens to enjoy.

It's also important to note that while eggs can be a great source of nutrition for chickens, they should not be offered as a sole source of food or as a primary part of their diet. Chickens still need a balanced diet of chicken feed and other nutritious foods to maintain optimal health.

15. Cooked spaghetti​


Cooked spaghetti can be a fun and unique treat for chicken. Spaghetti is a good source of carbohydrates, which can provide your chickens with energy and help keep them active and healthy.

When feeding spaghetti to your chickens, it's important to cook it thoroughly and without any added salt or seasoning. You can also mix the spaghetti with other nutritious treats, such as vegetables or protein sources like cooked chicken or eggs, to create a more balanced meal.

It's important to note that while spaghetti can be a fun and tasty treat, it should not be offered as a primary part of your chickens' diet. Chickens still need a balanced diet of chicken feed and other nutritious foods to maintain optimal health.

16. Herbs​


Many herbs contain antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can help support your chickens' overall health and well-being.

Some herbs that are safe and beneficial for chickens include basil, oregano, parsley, thyme, and mint. You can offer these herbs to your chickens fresh or dried, either as whole leaves or chopped into smaller pieces.

Herbs can also be used to make a tasty and nutritious herbal tea for your chickens. Simply steep the herbs in hot water for a few minutes, then cool the tea and offer it to your chickens in a shallow dish.

It's important to note that while herbs can be a great addition to your chickens' diet, they should not be offered as a sole source of food or as a primary part of their diet. Chickens still need a balanced diet of chicken feed and other nutritious foods to maintain optimal health.

Just be sure to choose herbs that are safe for chickens and avoid any potentially harmful or toxic plants.

Importance of Feeding Treats in Moderation​

Feeding treats in moderation is important for several reasons. While treats are a great way to provide your chickens with additional nutrients and keep them happy and entertained, overfeeding treats can have negative consequences for their health.

Firstly, treats are often high in calories, fat, and sugar, which can lead to weight gain and obesity in chickens. Obesity can lead to health problems such as heart disease, liver disease, and reproductive issues.

Secondly, overfeeding treats can lead to nutrient imbalances in the chickens' diet. While treats can provide additional nutrients, they should not be relied upon as the main source of nutrition. If chickens consume too many treats, they may not receive the essential nutrients they need for optimal health and may develop health problems such as malnutrition or weakened immune systems.

Finally, overfeeding treats can also disrupt the chickens' natural foraging behavior. Chickens are natural foragers and should spend a significant amount of time searching for their food. Providing too many treats can lead to chickens becoming less interested in foraging and may lead to boredom and lack of exercise.

Therefore, it is important to feed treats in moderation and ensure that they are not making up more than 10% of the chickens' diet. Treats should be provided in small quantities and should be balanced with a nutritionally complete diet. By doing so, you can ensure that your chickens are healthy, happy, and have a well-balanced diet.

In Summary​

Providing your chickens with healthy and nutritious treats is essential for their overall health and well-being. These 16 treats are not only delicious but also provide essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that promote healthy feather growth, bone growth, muscle function, and immune system function.

By incorporating these treats into your chickens' diet, you can ensure that they live happy and healthy lives. However, it is important to remember that treats should not make up more than 10% of their diet and should be given in moderation.

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