Your 2024 Garden

We got the second planting of sweet corn in the ground today along with some Lima beans. No if the Lima beans will just pollinate. The first time we planted them here we got 3 pods out of thousands of blooms. I think the heat may have been the culprit. I may plant some more later to set beans in September and see how that works. Still need to get okra planted ASAP. Have supplies to start the fall crop of tomatoes with. I'm a bit anxious about the tomatoes that are blooming now as any day now Tomato Horn Worms may attack. I can hand pick and feed them to the chickens if they will eat them. I know that they can be picked off easier at night when they come out to eat.
The droppings give them away. If I have trouble finding hornworms that I know are there, I lean over and look at the foliage from a different angle, lower if possible.
I've been finding elongated shield-type bugs on the ground around my squash plants. The flock is enjoying them.

I'll try to get a picture.
Squash bugs!
th (3).jpeg

I've not had those before.

(internet photo)
I've not yet seen a tomato worm or a squash bug but I've been looking. I have seen a few earwigs. They are evil looking creatures.

My melons, pumpkins and butternut squash have just started coming up. I have a few sunflowers and zinnias seeded there that have broken through as well. We've had some rain but I've still had to water some. Pruned the tomatoes a little this week.

My purple hull peas have come up, green beans and butterbeans have started to climb. It is starting to look like a garden again!
I got my tomatoes and peppers planted today but I forgot to put my crushed eggshells in with the tomatoes! Think if I powdered them then put them in water for a few days then used that to water, that it would put enough calcium into the plants?

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