Year old hen has open scabbed wound on hip and is limping.Help!!!

And the only space I know of as she could get hurt in is the run door opening going from the roost and nesting boxes to the run.
If that is the case as in her femur and hip joint is out of place, how do we know and how do we fix that. Vet is not an option.
Well, you wouldn’t. You can try and manipulate her legs and toes, evaluate her range of motion compared to her other leg, and feel for tissue swelling or muscle atrophy. But x-rays are the only way to see what’s really going on inside.
If she did break or dislocate something, I’m not sure there’s anything that could be done. I’m assuming you’re not interested in paying for surgery (no judgement there!).

Is she acting painful? Are her eyes bright, appetite good, energy good? Or does she sit around fluffed up and lethargic?
I’m interested to see what sort of limp she has in the video tomorrow.
She doesn’t look like she can use the right leg at all. I am surprised that she can get around as well as she can with just the one leg working. My guess is that she has injured the leg and damaged the nerve, or she could have Mareks disease. The wound or lesion could also be an injury, but Mareks can also cause skin tumors. Sorry, but I have nothing else to add. I would think about making her a chicken sling or chair for her when she is unable to get around. That way she could sit in it for periods each day and have her food and water in front of her. One like this is fairly easy to make:

Yes I am going to make that or kind of like a chicken wheelchair. I am not as concerned about her living with one leg, I'm more concerned about her scab and healing that up.

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