Year old hen has open scabbed wound on hip and is limping.Help!!!


5 Years
Mar 24, 2019
I have a 5 month old barred rock with a open scabbed up wound on the right side. It started back in august and we put her in a kennel and gave her water and food with vitamins for about a week or two. Then she didnt get any worse or any better so we let her out with her friends. No sign of them being mean or pecking her scab. Just yesterday I noticed she wasnt using her right leg (scabbed up one) I looked at and it seems like her hip has moved up and the flesh is fading away around the hip and it is scabbed up. Any idea what this is????? She is also esting and drinking fine.


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May not be the answer but I have used Colloidal Silver on my pets and my family. It’s natural and is an anti inflammatory anti Fingal and antibiotic
It can be syringed into mouth or used topically
Great fast healing
Could there have been an injury a while ago that caused the leg to be injured and the scab, possibly from a rooster or a predator? What have you treated the scab with so far? I hope that others will chime in on this thread.
Could there have been an injury a while ago that caused the leg to be injured and the scab, possibly from a rooster or a predator? What have you treated the scab with so far? I hope that others will chime in on this thread.
No there has been no predators and we have no roosters. I cleaned it up and put neosporin on it and wrapped it about a week ago but it seemed like it didnt do anything much.
May not be the answer but I have used Colloidal Silver on my pets and my family. It’s natural and is an anti inflammatory anti Fingal and antibiotic
It can be syringed into mouth or used topically
Great fast healing
Thank you. Do you know where I can get it? I will try to get my hands on it asap so I can try to heal her, if in fact it works.
Where are you located? I know a lady who makes it and also the gel, Ive used the gel on burns and they have vanished in days.
The liquid can be taken like a drink
I also use it to clean up smelly dog ears and it works wonders.

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