Writer Looking for Chicken Experts


5 Years
Dec 26, 2018
Hello! My name is Moira McGhee and I'm a freelance writer. I'm a regular contributor to "Hobby Farms" magazine, but my editor recently assigned me an article to another of their publications "Chickens" magazine. The topic for this article is fermenting chicken feed and I'm looking for some people who raise chickens and either currently ferment feed or have done so in the past, who would be willing to be quoted in my article. If you're knowledgeable about fermenting feed for chickens and have time to answer a few questions through email, I'd love to hear from you!! Anyone who'd like to participate can private message me. I have a very short deadline on this project, so I must get started right away. Any help any of you could provide would be greatly appreciated! If you've never fermented feed, but know someone who has, please forward my request. Hobby Farms usually sends a free copy of the issue containing the article to the interviewees quoted in the piece! By the way, I love this forum! It's very informative. Thank you in advance for your assistance! Moira

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If you have already searched this forum for “fermented feed”, you will see that there are many threads, and within those threads there are knowledgeable/experienced people on BYC. You can tag them by using @ with their user name (and the option for their username should pop up). By tagging them, they will be notified, and can respond if they want to do so. Also, by clicking on their username in a thread, often you can see when they were last active, helping you to tag people more likely to respond.

For myself, I’ve not used fermented feed. Seems like something I would not care to keep up with, or might get forgotten, leaving me with a potential mess to clean up when I remembered about it, so I’m not a candidate for your article!

Good Luck on your article! Thanks for thinking of us here on BYC.​

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