Why won’t my chickens stop preening?


In the Brooder
Apr 21, 2024
Hi folks!
We have just recently moved our 6 hens into a larger movable run, we have had sunshine and it’s began to feel like spring
However something weird has happened to their behaviour, they won’t stop preening themselves and they are very quiet, I’ve never known them like this. Is it because they are happy?

Please let me know as soon as YiU can, as I’m curious to see what’s going on with them, many thanks.
yes. Preening is a sign that all is well with them. They feel secure, relaxed and contented enough to indulge in some self-care.

welcome to BYC by the way :frow
Hi! Thanks for the information! I’ve used this site for ages but I’ve only just figured out how to sign up :thumbsup😂
Hi folks!
We have just recently moved our 6 hens into a larger movable run, we have had sunshine and it’s began to feel like spring
However something weird has happened to their behaviour, they won’t stop preening themselves and they are very quiet, I’ve never known them like this. Is it because they are happy?

Please let me know as soon as YiU can, as I’m curious to see what’s going on with them, many thanks.
Welcome! Best chicken "coop" ever. It is a sign of contentment, but it's also spring which means parasites. Have you checked for mites? Or even fleas?
Welcome! Best chicken "coop" ever. It is a sign of contentment, but it's also spring which means parasites. Have you checked for mites? Or even fleas?
Yes I have, I did two weeks prior to this message, and it never occurred to me until then! I’ve been keeping chickens almost my whole life, and they get them most springs, but I don’t know why, it just didn’t occur to me! They had mites and there all back to there happy self's
Thank you for your help though.
Yes I have, I did two weeks prior to this message, and it never occurred to me until then! I’ve been keeping chickens almost my whole life, and they get them most springs, but I don’t know why, it just didn’t occur to me! They had mites and there all back to there happy self's
Thank you for your help though.
Sweet! One good thing about far, arctic Northern Maine, no fleas, ticks, mites or redbugs!
I'm soon headed back down south (i hate the 9 months of frigid weather, no growing season, waist deep snow for he last seven years. Done.) And I'll be dealing with parasites again. So i was researching all the parasites when your post came up. Great timing!
Preening is a sign they're relaxed. If you're around your chickens and they preen and sun or dust bathe that means they're comfortable around you.

It's also necessary: one of the things they do when preening is oil their feathers to make them water-resistant. Keeping them straight helps them regulate their body temperature, especially in winter.
Preening is a sign they're relaxed. If you're around your chickens and they preen and sun or dust bathe that means they're comfortable around you.

It's also necessary: one of the things they do when preening is oil their feathers to make them water-resistant. Keeping them straight helps them regulate their body temperature, especially in winter.
Up here in Maine, it usually means it's bird mite season, lol!

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