why do my hens prefer to sleep on the ground?


7 Years
Oct 27, 2016
hello every itsasmallfarm here

I have a quick question, i have a roost for all of my birds (putting up even more soon) and only a few tend to sleep on the roost they seem to prefer to sleep on the floor (has about 2-5 inch of shavings) and spread (not on top of each other) but its going to be getting really cold soon -15C this week and am worried that the floor will be getting to cold for them (there only 9 turning 10 weeks old) as it is raised about 1 foot of the ground. but is there a reason why they seem to prefer to sleeping on the ground over there roost?

thank you asmallfarm out.
I've not had silkies before, but my understanding is that they typically are floor sleepers, instead of sleeping on the roost. Your birds are young yet, and sometimes it takes them a while to get in the habit of roosting. How much roost space do you have? They may be choosing to stay together on the floor instead of roosting if there is not enough room for them ALL to easily get up there and get settled.
I've not had silkies before, but my understanding is that they typically are floor sleepers, instead of sleeping on the roost. Your birds are young yet, and sometimes it takes them a while to get in the habit of roosting. How much roost space do you have? They may be choosing to stay together on the floor instead of roosting if there is not enough room for them ALL to easily get up there and get settled.
its the leghorns not sleeping on the roost which is why am kinda worried about them, but i have about 6ft right now of roosting space (going to put up more soon) and my silkies are getting a nesting box today (for them to sleep in off the ground)
Nest boxes are for laying eggs, not sleeping in. If you let them get in the habit of sleeping in nest boxes, you will end up with poo covered eggs. A lower roost for the Silkies usually works well.
Some chickens perfer sleeping on the ground because they were raised that way. When I have my 2 polish, 1 outa the 2 was always wanting to roost. So sometimes it depends on what the bird feels like sleeping on.
I think that it is better if you just wait it out.Some prefer sleeping on floors some prefer the roost.Either way it is nothing much that you would have to really worry about.

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