Why are some of my baby chicks twitching there heads??

Addicted To Chickens

🌺Remember to Stop and Smell the Flowers!🌺
Mar 16, 2022
Hi:frow I'm a new member to BYC! Both of my two Silkie chicks are twitching their heads every 1 to 3 seconds. I have checked their ears for ear mites, or anything that might be stuck in them but I haven't found anything. On my black Silkie chick, I noticed an orange spot on both eyelids. Should I be concerned?:( Do you have any ideas if there might be something wrong with them?
Hi:frow I'm a new member to BYC! Both of my two Silkie chicks are twitching their heads every 1 to 3 seconds. I have checked their ears for ear mites, or anything that might be stuck in them but I haven't found anything. On my black Silkie chick, I noticed an orange spot on both eyelids. Should I be concerned?:( Do you have any ideas if there might be something wrong with them?
Silkies are prone to wry neck. Do you have nutridrench or save-a-chick vitamins to add to their water?

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