Where your chicks after brooder and before coop?


Premium Feather Member
Oct 3, 2023
We currently have 13 hens and have 3 chicks coming in June. I’m looking for good solutions on where to house them once they’ve outgrown the brooder box and prior to being able to add them to the coop with the big girls. What have you found to be the best ideas?

Last time we had chicks, we had no adults so it was a little easier that time around 😅
Can you section of part of the coop?
I could section the coop but then does that mean they stay in there all day and not join in the run area? This would be when they are 4 weeks old plus
What do your facilities look like? How big is your coop? Your run? What other outbuildings do you have? Where are you in the world (Concern is what is your weather). What do you have to work with?
What have you found to be the best ideas?
My brooder is in the coop. The chicks go in there straight from the incubator or the post office and then grow up with the flock. At five weeks I often just open the brooder door and they are OK. But I think this is important, I have a fairy large coop and a lot of room to work with outside, over 2,000 square feet. To do this you need a lot of room.

When the main coop is crowded I move them to my grow-out coop. It has a predator proof shelter and an 8' x 12' run that shares a fence with the others. I keep them in there until I'm confident the chicks will put themselves to bed out there instead of returning to the main coop to sleep. Then I let them roam the 2,00 square feet area with the others. Again, lots of room and they are familiar with each other since they saw each other through the fence.

I could section the coop but then does that mean they stay in there all day and not join in the run area? This would be when they are 4 weeks old plus
I basically do that starting when mine are about 3 days old, with heat. At 4 weeks old yours may not need any extra heat. That depends on your temperatures. I don't know what your facilities look like or what you are working with but getting them used to each other is an important part of this process.
We are in North Texas so when the babies arrive it will be hot. I have a 10x10 coop and a 10x20 run but most days, the hens have the option to free range on our acre grassed lot that’s available to them.
if its warm enough, its real easy to fabricate a pen with 1/2" hardware cloth .. thats where they stay, portable size, tin on top, sheet draped over at night, add perches, top access is best ... food can be used to direct them and acclimate them to the coop, run, and back to the pen until theyre large enough to join the flock ...
For your situation I'd make a pen to hold them that is predator safe or inside a predator safe area that the flock can see them if you can provide heat there. Keep them in there for 3 weeks and then let them out to interact with the hens. In your climate they should be able to handle the weather fine.

If you cannot provide heat there, keep them where you can provide heat for three weeks and then house them next to the hens for another two or three weeks before letting them mingle. Since they do not free range all the time they are awake what counts is your run. It is not huge but at least not tiny. Add clutter (things they can hide under, behind, or go over) to help them stay away from the adults.
For your situation I'd make a pen to hold them that is predator safe or inside a predator safe area that the flock can see them if you can provide heat there. Keep them in there for 3 weeks and then let them out to interact with the hens. In your climate they should be able to handle the weather fine.

If you cannot provide heat there, keep them where you can provide heat for three weeks and then house them next to the hens for another two or three weeks before letting them mingle. Since they do not free range all the time they are awake what counts is your run. It is not huge but at least not tiny. Add clutter (things they can hide under, behind, or go over) to help them stay away from the adults.
Thank you for all the help! I’ll plan on keeping them in my garage with heat for the first three weeks and then will move them out into the run in a separate kennel.

How long of the day time mingling before allowing the babies to sleep in the big coop?

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