When Do i Need To Help Gosling Out Of the Shell??


Kiss My Grits...
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
May 19, 2008
Western MA
Hi again! I have a Seb gosling thats been pipped(with his little beak sticking out)...
Hes been pipped since last night like this and hasnt budged at all...
Do i need to help him out? Is he stuck? The membrance looks a bit "dry" around the pip hole...
My humidity is at 60%.. do i need it higher??
thanks for any help!
Looking lethargic... but he kinda opens his beak up and moves a tiny bit when i call or tap on the bator....
You can always pull back a piece if the shell to check and see if there's any blood. If not then slowly remove the rest. If they are left in there too long they can have a host of troubles like bad legs, backs, etc.
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helping birds out of their shells NEVER goes good for me. very rare will they be 100% as the other ones who hatched on their own. i try to look at it as if they cant make it then they arent stong enough for our flock. over 24 hours you may want to do something if you want the bird to live though. just stop when ya see blood.
Ugh.. not good..i just broke off some shell..and a tiny bit of membrane so i maybe can see whats going on..and he started to bleed..

I placed papertowl over it right away.. and it seemed to stop.... but not sure if it stopped inside the egg ....
I'm never incubating AGAIN!
If it's not just gushing out it should be ok. You can give him a while longer and try again. I have helped a LOT of birds out, some went well some not. It's all trial and error. Give it a while longer and if there is no progression you can try again.
Calm down, Give him a bit to stop bleeding and try again. But try in a different place. I've helped alot of chicks out and It's totally how you do it. It's an instinct/hands on learning type thing. If it makes you feel better wait untill the membrane starts to change color/ Then cut with wire clippers. My first few times thats what I did.
And P.S Red theres a random ramblings thread about you
You should go check it out

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