What do I have? Roosters, Hens? What breed?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jul 12, 2007
This was a classroom experiment. These chicks all hatched within a day of each other (three total) a little over 4 weeks ago.

Any suggestions as to breed?

How about sex of the chicks?

Also need to add:
The two that have more white streaking on their head also have ONE white wingfeather on each wing. The one with only a little white on its head has ONLY black wingfeathers.
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I am certainly no expert, having seen only one BA chick, but the one in the foreground on the bottom sure looks like a Black Australorp to me. They can have the one white wing-tip feather, or all black. They also have kinda long tails. The white on the face will go away as they get older. The photos are too small to see much more than that, though. They may all be BAs. Or not!!!! Here's the feathersire page with pics of baby chicks at the bottom.
I have seen the feathersite photo and thought perhaps that is what I had, but my chicks never had the cream-colored bellies that those fluffy little chicks have. These guys (or girls?) have been solid black except for the streaks on their heads since the day they hatched.

I had looked at the Black Jersey Giants and thought maybe I had those, but still I am not sure.

I am still hoping someone sees these pictures and says "Hey, that looks JUST like my ------- chicks!"

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