What did you do with your flock today?

Such a stylish young man about town! The hat in particular looks spectacular! 🤣
I'd have to have a week off after a weekend like that!
Isn’t he?? He was super into the whole look…at least Aria wants to believe that 😆

Yeah I spent much of Monday in zombie mode…ended up taking the last two hours of work off and napping! Still tired today! Probably because I was up late helping my husband and kid pack for a two night field trip for school. Super neat opportunity for them, they are staying at the Marin Headlands Science School right on the beach! Lucky ducks!

Baby chicks are just the cutest, just in case you were wondering! 😍😍😍

Just exhausting having to eat!
Isn’t he?? He was super into the whole look…at least Aria wants to believe that 😆

Yeah I spent much of Monday in zombie mode…ended up taking the last two hours of work off and napping! Still tired today! Probably because I was up late helping my husband and kid pack for a two night field trip for school. Super neat opportunity for them, they are staying at the Marin Headlands Science School right on the beach! Lucky ducks!

Baby chicks are just the cutest, just in case you were wondering! 😍😍😍

Just exhausting having to eat!
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That sounds like a wonderful field trip ❤️! Very lucky ducks!

I got some hats and stuff for the chickens.... well, actually for Tami's lizard who passed away this winter. She was an old girl. Anyway, all her clothes is now the chickens....I just need kids young enough to want to dress them 😂.

Your boy did look quite dashing there 🥰😄
Today, we were expecting rain, but I was glad the weather guessers were wrong. It was nice and calm, partly cloudy in the mid 50's. The girls laid their eggs in a corner of the coop, in a nest they made, instead of the nesting boxes. We finally had an animal test the electric fence. I heard yipping/crying sounds, and as I looked out my living room window, saw a dog running with his tail tucked, looking behind him as he left down my driveway and ran down the street. This dog has been frequenting our yard, as seen on camera footage, but never while we are outside. I just had to call DH, and he had a good laugh.
The chicks are 16 days old today, and seem to have grown 4x or more. Feathers are growing in quickly. Whenever I open the top, One or two of the leghorns fly up to the ledge of the brooder. They seem to be the friendliest, the coppers are the least, as they are part Maran. The legbars are sort of in the middle. Chickens are fascinating. I am amazed at @kurby22 and @ChicksnMore , and your breeding and genetic knowledge.
Am having a hard time filling eggs orders after losing half the flock in November. It'll be August before these littles mature. Hmm, shall I start naming them? Do you all put bands on them for ID proposes, especially when they look similar? @LTAY1946 anyone else want to weigh in? Any tips and tricks?
Today I did a farm tour for a mother and her twins. I have half an acre of permaculture gardens and about 500 sqft of chicken runs and coops. The kids got to learn about hügelkultur and feed the chickens safely through my run. I let the boy hold my blue lorp named Sacre bleu. Both kiddos held a chick too. It was a truly lovely day. I learned from mom that the boy was buying my eggs (I have a donation based egg stand on my property with free produce in it) and selling it to his neighbors at cost to visit my farm! My husband and I are child free by choice, but seeing those kids have so much fun and be excited to learn about farming almost made me break. Almost.

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