What did you do with your flock today?

Those are some pretty good names. When my grandkids named my birds... well, the first and second time, I can't even remember the names they were so out there 👽😵‍💫🤪 The third time it was Blackie and Cheepie, lol. I no longer ask my grandkids to help me name my birds.
My granddaughter and I agreed on the names of Cinnamon Bernadebt and Penny because we both like the TV show The Big Bang Theory. Peppa was the girl version of Pepper.

He'd say thank you, but he's too old and grumpy. He thinks adorations are the bare minimum...

... Because I have spoiled him. Lmao
Yep. Save me from myself 🤭

I don't have chicks atm, will these do?
I turned out the heat lamp and my 7 weeks old kids are sleeping in the dark for the first time tonight. I'll go out first thing in the morning and check on them expecting to catch a lot of flack for turning the light out but they will get used to it. They should be happy as I fixed them up today with a hanging feeder and a hanging water supply so it all stays cleaner. They are on pine shavings with a real dirt floor under them If they try they can find some green grass to peck at.
I also give my chickens citrus now and then. In small amounts I believe it's healthy. It's just very acidic...my understanding is excess can upset their stomachs. Hope someone corrects me if I got it wrong!
Here's more info on citrus. Makes sense that the Vitamin C could bind to calcium and cause soft shells. Can also cause digestive issues and diarrhea because of the acid.
A little bit is ok.
I've got some sad news. I found Penelope dead in her coop on Friday morning 😭😭😭
She looks to have passed peacefully in her sleep and probably soon after going to bed, as her crop was still pretty full.
I'm truly devastated. I suspected she had something more serious than worms but she seemed back to her old self these past couple of weeks. She was certainly well enough to move back outside and get back to bossing everyone around and getting her beak stuck into everything.
She was such a special girl and I miss her so much. Such a sweetheart.
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Oh, I am tearing up right now. So sorry for your loss, and I am so 😥. We were blessed by all the stories that she was a part of, that you shared with us all this time. May your heart heal with all the wonderful memories of her. She was a special gal, who will be missed by all. Hugs from across the globe.
Well, my littlest angel is home for spring break 🥰. So my chickens aren't getting a lot of attention this week. They get their handful of weeds once a day as a treat still though.

I got a new incubator a couple of days ago (another RCom) and a bag of scratch to try making the jug toys...but I might not get to that til next week.

I finally moved Biscotti outside and she's not loving it yet...but she will next week when I have time to start letting her have some play time with me out there 😄 Right now she says outside is new and scary! I don't think I've ever had a chicken get this old before they get to experience the great outdoors...poor baby. I might have been a tad over cautious with her 🤔😬😜
Enjoy your angel's spring break! It's always nice when they come home to visit.

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