What did you do with your flock today?

I gave my chickens a new food yesterday. I had a couple of large navel oranges that were past their prime so I quartered them and threw them in the run. They avoided them at first, but this morning I saw that there were only orange peels left. At least one of the chickens developed a taste for oranges. LOL
I've heard that citrus is not good for them. Anyone else?
I gave my chickens a new food yesterday. I had a couple of large navel oranges that were past their prime so I quartered them and threw them in the run. They avoided them at first, but this morning I saw that there were only orange peels left. At least one of the chickens developed a taste for oranges. LOL
I was told citrus was a no-no. Be careful ♡
Got 4 new babies today. 1 each of WL and BSL. 2 EE's. Granddaughter helped me name them. The WL is Penny, the BSL is Peppa, the gold colored EE is Cinnamon and the EE with the stripes is Bernadebt. I came up with the spelling for Bernadebt.
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Those are some pretty good names. When my grandkids named my birds... well, the first and second time, I can't even remember the names they were so out there 👽😵‍💫🤪 The third time it was Blackie and Cheepie, lol. I no longer ask my grandkids to help me name my birds.
My knee was feeling about 50% better except today, I think I retweeked it.
So today i sewed, kept the chooks locked up till this eve, picked up a cat and will sponsor it till Monday. Let my husband mow the lawn 😅 by himself and collected 13 eggs.
Oh, I was a terrible chicken mom. I refilled waterers and forgot to put them in the run till... 11:30. Poor chickens.
Repurposed hummingbird feeder?
Care to share a photo?
I just removed the 🌼 part, and turned the bottle a half turn looser. They can't poop in it, nor perch. This looks blurry because it's taken through the polycarbonate wavy roofing.
My knee was feeling about 50% better except today, I think I retweeked it.
So today i sewed, kept the chooks locked up till this eve, picked up a cat and will sponsor it till Monday. Let my husband mow the lawn 😅 by himself and collected 13 eggs.
Oh, I was a terrible chicken mom. I refilled waterers and forgot to put them in the run till... 11:30. Poor chickens.
At least you remembered before it got too hot. Don't be so hard on yourself. Bad knees are such a bummer. I get it. After doing garden stuff one afternoon, the next day is rest day.
Today I moved the 7 weeks olds out to a coop with an outdoor brooder with heat it they felt like it the first night. Tomorrow I'll turn it off maybe. We have a nose dive temp coming so I may wait until after the last two nights of those 30's we have first of this coming week. They they have to huddle on the roost. Upper 40's to upper 60's for lows from now on.
After moving the old brood out I moved the new just hatched brood into a new indoor brooder in the sun room. Got them to eating and drinking some sugar water. They are a happy bunch. They are a mixed bag of Dark Cornish, Bresse, Red Sex Links, and White Giants. Next weekend they will be joined by 60-70 more of the same make up. What was I thinking when I hatched a 100 new chicks?

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