What did you do with your flock today?

Thanks. Me too! They have nowhere to dust bathe because everything everywhere is wet…so a lot have mites too 😩😩😩 So frustrating! I’m so sad to lose Betty. She was one of the best personality silkies I’ve owned. 😢 I’m down to one original chicken from my first 5 I bought. Charlie stands alone. Still not sure about Penny yet :-( She’s not well but not as bad off either so fingers crossed :-(
As much as you need the rain there, it's been way too much at once ☹️. If Betty was one of your original birds then old age probably played a role too. Fingers crossed for Penny here too 🤞🤞🤞!
I lost Betty White yesterday. My beloved street Silkie who never took crap from anyone, and I’m so very sad :-( I’m guessing she died from coccidiosis based on the living conditions and her broody habits…the mud and the poop are just so hard to keep on top of when it’s so consistently saturated and miserable. She seemed fine the day before though, so I don’t know. But I also found my favorite girl Penny looking very ill and experiencing wry neck. She’s three now, so wry neck seemed out of left field…which is another reason I’m thinking coccidiosis since it depletes nutrients. So she’s now inside and I’ve been giving her straight doses of CORID and Vitamin E with Selenium supplements. Hoping to see progress tomorrow if it’s coccidiosis. 🫤 I always hate how the lows of chickening seem to happen in batches. So despite the blue skies and sun we had today, I’m feeling rather sad and grey 😢 I got some Hazel snuggles though so I felt a bit better. She’s a sweetheart too!
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Aww, I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs
And I really hope Penny recovers too, I'll keep everything crossed for her. I know she's in the best hands and getting the right treatment.
I know exactly what you mean, never rains but pours, doesn't it?
Penelope's still poorly. I noticed a lot of tapeworm segments in her droppings yesterday so she's getting wormed again with praziquantel when it arrives as the Ivermectin she's had, like many wormers, only knocks back tapeworm rather than killing it outright.
Ferdy's eye seems to be bulging under his lower lid although his cornea is healing well. In consultation with my vet friend, I've been administering a tiny amount of latanaprost to reduce it until he sees the specialist avian vet next week. He seems very well other than that and is back outside during the day, pretending to be in charge.
Hazel is so pretty! Chicken snuggles are just the best 🥰
As I was laying my potatoes out down the row I turned and looked back to make sure I was keeping the row straight and there was Red. Red is a young RIR rooster that I hatched and is always investigating what I'm working on and looking for a treat. Red was walking down the row behind me pecking the eyes on the seed potatoes. Sometimes he picked up the piece and threw it out of the row. Had to chase him away with a rake. Red is one of the few roosters I have ever had that lets me pick him up while he is out roaming around. Next thing I had a dozen of the Vagabond roosters moving in to see if they were treats. I took the rake to them poking them on their fully butts until they looked elsewhere for mischief to get into. I finally got the last of the seed potatoes put out and covered up so maybe they will let them alone until the rains Friday wet them down.
I got a really good mental visual on the rooster messing with your seed potatoes and then being chased away. Thanks for the chuckle.
Aww, I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs
And I really hope Penny recovers too, I'll keep everything crossed for her. I know she's in the best hands and getting the right treatment.
I know exactly what you mean, never rains but pours, doesn't it?
Penelope's still poorly. I noticed a lot of tapeworm segments in her droppings yesterday so she's getting wormed again with praziquantel when it arrives as the Ivermectin she's had, like many wormers, only knocks back tapeworm rather than killing it outright.
Ferdy's eye seems to be bulging under his lower lid although his cornea is healing well. In consultation with my vet friend, I've been administering a tiny amount of latanaprost to reduce it until he sees the specialist avian vet next week. He seems very well other than that and is back outside during the day, pretending to be in charge.
Hazel is so pretty! Chicken snuggles are just the best 🥰
Poor Ferdy and Penelope! I'm sure if anyone can get them back to good health though it's you. ♥️
Tired tonight. Got under the counters, 2 out of 3 bathrooms, and about half of one wall in our spare bedroom painted. The spare bedroom is one entire long wall that was re-drywalled. More spare bedroom work, two closets, one bathroom, kitchen and four huge ceiling areas to go. Maybe I should have got on the phone and argued with them when they said they don't paint it as part of the repairs. Ugh.

Anyway... took a break by going out and caring for the critters. Pulled some London rocket and thistle weeds for all the birds. Got to scratch Jazzy and Mini for a bit. Give Rowan his hugs and check my garden. The perilla is sprouting like crazy, green onions are going nuts, minari is starting to spread, longevity spinach and mulberries are putting out new leaves...spring is definitely here ♥️. Supposed to drop down in the 40's overnight for a bit starting Tuesday...but think I can move the rest of my cold sensitive plants outside again.
We have rain forecast for time, the last couple days were sideways rain. Yesterday it poured, and the gutter installers had to work in it. Didn't quite get finished, as they were about 3 feet short of materials. They got tested for sure, and are functioning way better than the original 37 year old ones.
Didn't go out to see the girls. Filled both feeders up the other day, so should last 2 weeks at least. Two days ago egg count was 5 plus one partial. 100%. That hasn't happened for many months. Not sure how the one got broken. The lights are working. We are only getting 11 hours of the sun above the horizon. Does dusk and dawn count as daylight for a chicken's pineal gland? @Shetland lover , our resident expert 😎 It also snowed/ hailed a couple days ago, and it's 36 / 3 degrees right now.
@ChicksnMore you've been having a time with the repairs! So much work! It's done now, and you can rest. Kitties are thriving, Mojo is happy, Spring has sprung for you. Yay!
My mothers cat used to catch and kill squirrels and then bring them in through the doggie door for her as a gift.
My first kitty used to do that with birds and mice. As she got older she switched from bringing me dead critters to bringing them home live. Nothing like sitting there quietly reading and suddenly you feel little feet scrambling across your lap and legs. I swear she thought she was teaching me to hunt and laughing at my ineptitude 😂
I lost Betty White yesterday. My beloved street Silkie who never took crap from anyone, and I’m so very sad :-( I’m guessing she died from coccidiosis based on the living conditions and her broody habits…the mud and the poop are just so hard to keep on top of when it’s so consistently saturated and miserable. She seemed fine the day before though, so I don’t know. But I also found my favorite girl Penny looking very ill and experiencing wry neck. She’s three now, so wry neck seemed out of left field…which is another reason I’m thinking coccidiosis since it depletes nutrients. So she’s now inside and I’ve been giving her straight doses of CORID and Vitamin E with Selenium supplements. Hoping to see progress tomorrow if it’s coccidiosis. 🫤 I always hate how the lows of chickening seem to happen in batches. So despite the blue skies and sun we had today, I’m feeling rather sad and grey 😢 I got some Hazel snuggles though so I felt a bit better. She’s a sweetheart too!
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Oh, kurby. So sorry for your loss. I think my Brahma last year may have died from coccidiosis or some worm load as well, she had bloody poo and degraded quickly, died overnight. :fl
As I was laying my potatoes out down the row I turned and looked back to make sure I was keeping the row straight and there was Red. Red is a young RIR rooster that I hatched and is always investigating what I'm working on and looking for a treat. Red was walking down the row behind me pecking the eyes on the seed potatoes. Sometimes he picked up the piece and threw it out of the row. Had to chase him away with a rake. Red is one of the few roosters I have ever had that lets me pick him up while he is out roaming around. Next thing I had a dozen of the Vagabond roosters moving in to see if they were treats. I took the rake to them poking them on their fully butts until they looked elsewhere for mischief to get into. I finally got the last of the seed potatoes put out and covered up so maybe they will let them alone until the rains Friday wet them down.
They sure can be stinkers in the garden! Glad you got them planted.

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