What did you do with your flock today?

I gave legs his breakfast in his kennel by hand before putting him out into the real world. It's not going below 40° tonight so he is in his coop so he can be with his girls early in the morning. Honey comes in every night as a guard against a predator finding her. She will have an outdoor secure coop soon. Once the broken ribs, strep throat, and Covid go away things will move faster.
I gave legs his breakfast in his kennel by hand before putting him out into the real world. It's not going below 40° tonight so he is in his coop so he can be with his girls early in the morning. Honey comes in every night as a guard against a predator finding her. She will have an outdoor secure coop soon. Once the broken ribs, strep throat, and Covid go away things will move faster.
Oh, man, you're going through quite the siege lately! Hope you can heal up quickly and completely very soon!
Finally, a day without rain! Flood waters are receding from our neighboring towns and roadways, but the Weather Service says another big system moves in tomorrow afternoon (sigh).

I spent these precious rain-free daylight hours weeding furiously while tossing soggy tennis balls for the dogs (who've also had cabin fever), and dumping a mountain of fresh grassy weeds & root-mats in the run for the pullets to climb, scratch and enjoy. The girls were so happy to be out & around all day! Too busy to lay, I guess, only 3 eggs today by nightfall.
I gave legs his breakfast in his kennel by hand before putting him out into the real world. It's not going below 40° tonight so he is in his coop so he can be with his girls early in the morning. Honey comes in every night as a guard against a predator finding her. She will have an outdoor secure coop soon. Once the broken ribs, strep throat, and Covid go away things will move faster.
That's a lot to deal with at once! Hope you're feeling better soon :hugs:fl
Those people came back today with another kitten so now there's three. Apparently they tried to keep one hoping they could get mom to accept it but it wasn't going well.
She's tired, weak, doesn't pee with stimulation and clicks slightly with breathing. So she's getting Pedialyte formula with extra water and antibiotics and taurine added. So fingers crossed again 🤞. The new baby is the little one in the back laying down.
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So have someone coming to pick up a kitten in the morning. They'll take the healthiest one; the little tuxedo baby. I'll hang onto the one with the tail injury and the new little girl for now. On the bright side... aren't those first two all vime and vinegar now? They're very opinionated already! 🥰

On the chicken side of life...I held Biscotti and a brooder mate of his for a bit and little Graham decided to burrow into my hair. Long, curly bedhead hair should never be burrowed into! 🤣 Can you spot the chick?View attachment 3728618
Oh wow! Praying this one will make it too 🙏 ❤️
I gave legs his breakfast in his kennel by hand before putting him out into the real world. It's not going below 40° tonight so he is in his coop so he can be with his girls early in the morning. Honey comes in every night as a guard against a predator finding her. She will have an outdoor secure coop soon. Once the broken ribs, strep throat, and Covid go away things will move faster.
Here's hoping you heal quickly ♥️
Penelope is sick. Not entirely sure what's going on with her but she's lost 100g since before Christmas. She is eating like a pig and goes to bed with a full crop. She has had a pale comb for a while but wasn't too concerned since she has only just finished a long moult and is off lay for the winter. It's still plump, if a little dry with the cold weather. Her droppings are normal, slightly loose occasionally. This is where diagnostic tools such as ultrasound, decent spec microscopes etc, would be a great help.
I brought her in for observation today as I'd noticed her huddled up every time I went out to them yesterday. It's really cold here at the moment but everyone else is running round to keep warm.
She spent most of today either sat in her box, being cuddled or chatting with Grace. Apart from not being her usual active self, her low weight and slightly cyanotic comb, there's no real outward signs.
She was due her mite treatment so she got that yesterday as I noticed a mite on her and it de-worms too. I've sent off a fecal sample to rule out a worm infestation. My suspicion is anemia but whether it's root cause is parasites or something more sinister, I just don't know.
Penelope is sick. Not entirely sure what's going on with her but she's lost 100g since before Christmas. She is eating like a pig and goes to bed with a full crop. She has had a pale comb for a while but wasn't too concerned since she has only just finished a long moult and is off lay for the winter. It's still plump, if a little dry with the cold weather. Her droppings are normal, slightly loose occasionally. This is where diagnostic tools such as ultrasound, decent spec microscopes etc, would be a great help.
I brought her in for observation today as I'd noticed her huddled up every time I went out to them yesterday. It's really cold here at the moment but everyone else is running round to keep warm.
She spent most of today either sat in her box, being cuddled or chatting with Grace. Apart from not being her usual active self, her low weight and slightly cyanotic comb, there's no real outward signs.
She was due her mite treatment so she got that yesterday as I noticed a mite on her and it de-worms too. I've sent off a fecal sample to rule out a worm infestation. My suspicion is anemia but whether it's root cause is parasites or something more sinister, I just don't know.
I sure hope she comes out of it. Sounds like you're doing everything you can. With eating well, weight loss and mostly normal poop...my first thoughts go straight to worms too. I'm sure if an answer can be found, you'll find it.

What kind of mite treatment are you using? Love that it de-worms too.

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