What did you do with your flock today?

I filled all the coop feed bins so that is done now for a week. Couldn't resist picking up and making small talk with a few of the original hens that came here as hatchlings in mid September of 2022. There are a few that just expect to be given attention. They can't be hungry as they all needed 3F size belly bras today. They got some scrambled eggs yesterday and probably were wishing for more today. Their coops are open from both ends so they can get back inside quickly no matter which side of the coop they are on.
Sounds like my Pru. She's a very busty lady 🤣
I spent a big part of the day looking for Linda the rescue chicken! She still hasn't integrated with my flock and being a bantam OEGB can jump my 8 ft fence quite easily! My flock is small consisting of Dipper EE/Austrolorp Roo, Mabel mixed flock mystery hen, and Lazy Susan SLW.
They aren't chasing her anymore but she also doesn't seem to want to hang out. Eventually, I heard a kerfuffle and found her sitting on the fence.
Then I pied pipered them into their run View attachment 3722001View attachment 3722003because a huge storm is rolling in!View attachment 3721997
Pretty ladies! 😍
Just a thought. Would cat food supplement supply both more protein and enough Taurine? It contains .10 % as stated on the crude analysis label.
There are some concerns over here about elevated salt levels in dry cat food when fed to chickens. Try telling my lot - they steal our cats' kibble on a daily basis. Grab a beakful each time they visit (which is at least 7 times a day!) and really tuck in if they're moulting. Doesn't seem to cause them any problems.
I started interacting with the newest little ones in my flock early this morning. The power is off so I'm taking evasive maneuvers with the incubator. If the temp drops more than 2° I put the incubator in the van and keep it going that way. That is not what I want to do. I still have a fully charged power supply if the one it's on runs out of juice.
It has been pretty wet and wild here all day. I'm loving it. Should just be regular wet weather the rest of the week. Sending it your way @PopoMyers View attachment 3722293
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This is on my way picking up a friend's sick chicken while she is off island for work. Litterly in a cloud 50 feet above sea level. Missed it in the photo. So, RSL and a repro issue. Her eyes are still bright ♡ also picking up another foster kitty tomorrow, installing a rack on my son's bike and cleaning my aunties friends house. Don't know how I keep getting sucked into that one... but I do.

Been super busy here. Cleaned coop, nestboxes and changed materials, filled feeders plus tidied up the run the day b4. Great timing did not expect the rains to be quite this heavy.

Good luck everyone with the winter weather change. Momma earth needs to chill. Loving all the fun posts. Good stuff. 😁🤙

Saturday I took off for an early morning ride on Honey. I left while the stars were out and made it to the east side to see the sunrise and then off to the north shore. Brought a thermos of coffee, a canteen of water and 2 granola bars so I could share with feral chickens when I stopped. Great time, made it home before lunchView attachment 3722291
So glad to see you! Sounds like you're burning the candle at both ends and having some fun too ❤️. Beautiful there!
I think it would. Most cats have trouble with lactose and chickens are supposed to have trouble with it too. No lactase in them to handle the lactose. So I'd check to be sure it's lactose free. I know a lot of people use yogurt for good bacteria with chickens though...so maybe it's not really a concern? I'm in the habit of avoiding lactose with them though.

This is from the label. No lactose or cow milk in the ingredients. Selenium and probiotics. The fermented feed mash is also what she has been liking. One day I washed out the container to make new, and she basically went on a hunger strike until it soured. Yep, getting a 'tude.

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