What did you do with your flock today?

We spent the entire morning and afternoon putting up framing for the run extension. Im so excited for the girls to have the new extra space. Though they were not excited about all the drilling and cutting happening around them. Were adding 128 square feet of run and constructed it so it would be easy to extend again in the future if (cough cough when) I want to get more. I'll post photos when its all done!
I was going to spend the day indoors but then one of the plumbers almost fell through the ceiling in our living room.

I'm so very glad he didn't fall all the way through and didn't get hurt...but, but....ugh. The plumbers are really nice fellows. I keep reminding myself of that. Ones a recent hire and this is his first job. He has the eyes of a ten year old at Christmas...so happy and excited for his new job. So I reassured him that it's all ok...but...I have holes in my walls were there's no pipes and....:barnie. Thank God for warranties...and for hubby's willing and able to handle it. So I'll keep holding my tongue, offer coffee and snacks and give the kindness I hope my kids never need.

So... outside again today! I took an old mail box and turned it into a banty nest box. Not sure they'll like it ...but I think they will. It's in a currently empty coop that will hopefully be Biscotti's someday.

Below it's in place and mounted by the door.
I was going to spend the day indoors but then one of the plumbers almost fell through the ceiling in our living room. View attachment 3714831
I'm so very glad he didn't fall all the way through and didn't get hurt...but, but....ugh. The plumbers are really nice fellows. I keep reminding myself of that. Ones a recent hire and this is his first job. He has the eyes of a ten year old at Christmas...so happy and excited for his new job. So I reassured him that it's all ok...but...I have holes in my walls were there's no pipes and....:barnie. Thank God for warranties...and for hubby's willing and able to handle it. So I'll keep holding my tongue, offer coffee and snacks and give the kindness I hope my kids never need.

So... outside again today! I took an old mail box and turned it into a banty nest box. Not sure they'll like it ...but I think they will. It's in a currently empty coop that will hopefully be Biscotti's someday. View attachment 3714851
Below it's in place and mounted by the door.
View attachment 3714847View attachment 3714848
when I was a kid we had someone working in our attic (I think maybe fixing insulation? I was young). Any way, I will never forget seeing a mans leg come crashing through our second story hallway ceiling. He took a step between the 2x4s and went right through the drywall.

Hope they are handling the repair for you!
I was going to spend the day indoors but then one of the plumbers almost fell through the ceiling in our living room. View attachment 3714831
I'm so very glad he didn't fall all the way through and didn't get hurt...but, but....ugh. The plumbers are really nice fellows. I keep reminding myself of that. Ones a recent hire and this is his first job. He has the eyes of a ten year old at Christmas...so happy and excited for his new job. So I reassured him that it's all ok...but...I have holes in my walls were there's no pipes and....:barnie. Thank God for warranties...and for hubby's willing and able to handle it. So I'll keep holding my tongue, offer coffee and snacks and give the kindness I hope my kids never need.

So... outside again today! I took an old mail box and turned it into a banty nest box. Not sure they'll like it ...but I think they will. It's in a currently empty coop that will hopefully be Biscotti's someday. View attachment 3714851
Below it's in place and mounted by the door.
View attachment 3714847View attachment 3714848
OMG! I cannot believe they went thru the ceiling! I sure hope they plan to pay to fix it!! Holy moly! 😳

I like that you are choosing to be focused on the positive! The nest box is super cute and creative! They will love it!
We left early and got home late. We were welcomed with another egg from Honey. She is the only pullet laying white eggs. She left it at the front door.
Aww! Can't beat fresh deliveries :lol:
Last year, Penelope laid an egg on my foot. Very handy as I was baking at the time and in need of an extra egg 🤣
I was going to spend the day indoors but then one of the plumbers almost fell through the ceiling in our living room. View attachment 3714831
I'm so very glad he didn't fall all the way through and didn't get hurt...but, but....ugh. The plumbers are really nice fellows. I keep reminding myself of that. Ones a recent hire and this is his first job. He has the eyes of a ten year old at Christmas...so happy and excited for his new job. So I reassured him that it's all ok...but...I have holes in my walls were there's no pipes and....:barnie. Thank God for warranties...and for hubby's willing and able to handle it. So I'll keep holding my tongue, offer coffee and snacks and give the kindness I hope my kids never need.

So... outside again today! I took an old mail box and turned it into a banty nest box. Not sure they'll like it ...but I think they will. It's in a currently empty coop that will hopefully be Biscotti's someday. View attachment 3714851
Below it's in place and mounted by the door.
View attachment 3714847View attachment 3714848
Yikes! That could have been so much worse... And bless you for being so kind.
That old mailbox makes a fabulous nest, especially in such a pretty setting with your tin flowers surrounding it! Any right-minded banties should be squabbling over it 😍
Yikes! That could have been so much worse... And bless you for being so kind.
That old mailbox makes a fabulous nest, especially in such a pretty setting with your tin flowers surrounding it! Any right-minded banties should be squabbling over it 😍
It's plastic instead of metal, but still think I need to add more ventilation holes. I only added two fairly good size holes...so I'll have to watch it close when the temps soar.
My poor chickens didn't get any time in the great out-of-doors today (but they did yesterday evening, so I don't feel so bad for them). I chopped up leaf lettuce, romaine, cabbage, tomatoes and a few kiwi fruit this morning and dumped it in the day run before I opened it up to the girls. Seems like they ate most of it by the time I locked them up into the night run.

Since their eggs have been nice and solid lately I haven't been giving them their usual supplemental egg shells much lately. But this evening I went ahead and mixed about 1/4 cup of eggshells with scratch grains and gave it to them.

The seven chickens have been averaging 6 eggs a day all winter long, and I can just about keep up with eating them all. I think I have 9 extra eggs accumulated right now, but I guess it's good to have some backup!

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