What did you do with your flock today?

Today is the 28th so I am buttoning up a few deferred chores and then will get ready for the great New Years Eve mountain escape. Little trickier this year... but gotta do it. Hate leaving my chickens behind but mostly hate all of the illegal fireworks. Hawaii has the honor of being dubbed the worst state for illegal fireworks and I can attest to the truth in that. Especially being a block from the beach where people like to set them off... and a block from the park where other people to set them off. Sure wish we had police who enforced our illegal firework laws... sure wish I had more thoughtful neighbors. 😡😡😡 So much noise an ddisruption for days. So much and cost in vet visits and animal welfare.:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie just foolish. Not happy about NY at all, lol 😆

Picked Waihona up a friend from another foster mom

Meet Flo. I think Waihona will be worth the efforts ♡

Chooks are awesome 🐔💕 They are giving me (on average) a dozen eggs a day. So, egg drought is over for a bit. Flock dynamics are terrific, poop is plentiful. Spider, is a bada** keeping out the ferals. He has attracted the locals roos for challenge and then reasserted his rule, all without a bruise or blood. Just love watching that boy do his magic. Spider does not mate all of the girls, just his select few. Beetle is mating the rest, though most all girls seek Spider's approval and protection. Spider and Beetle quickly started working as a team again. Beetle knows he is #2 and it works beautifully. My girls seem as happy as can be.

Love my morning view of the complaining captives.

Loving the cool workable weather. Lots to do today. Be good, stay well all.
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The only food I buy for my chickens is their layer pellets. I get the cabbage leaves for free at the grocery store, so I need a leaf feeder. And I just finished putting it together.

I mounted the feeder cage onto the board and tacked a couple of roofing nails into the back, at the top. It hangs on the hardware cloth, and is height adjustable. LOL

I put the brick on top of the cabbage to push the leaves down as they're eaten. And also to prevent the birds from trying to eat cabbage out of the top.

They were working at eating the cabbage, until I threw each of them a ripe tomato. They like tomatoes much better than cabbage.

View attachment 3713471View attachment 3713472
Very clever! Most kids would prefer fruit over raw veggies any day. Even feathered kids. 😋 Thanks for the pics.
Today is the 28th so I am buttoning up a few deferred chores and then will get ready for the great New Years Eve mountain escape. Little trickier this year... but gotta do it. Hate leaving my chickens behind but mostly hate all of the illegal fireworks. Hawaii has the honor of being dubbed the worst state for illegal fireworks and I can attest to the truth in that. Especially being a block from the beach where people like to set them off... and a block from the park where other people to set them off. Sure wish we had police who enforced our illegal firework laws... sure wish I had more thoughtful neighbors. 😡😡😡 So much noise an ddisruption for days. So much and cost in vet visits and animal welfare.:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie just foolish. Not happy about NY at all, lol 😆

Picked Waihona up a friend from another foster mom View attachment 3713878
Meet Flo. I think Waihona will be worth the efforts ♡View attachment 3713879

Chooks are awesome 🐔💕 They are giving me (on average) a dozen eggs a day. So, egg drought is over for a bit. Flock dynamics are terrific, poop is plentiful. Spider, is a bada** keeping out the ferals. He has attracted the locals roos for challenge and then reasserted his rule, all without a bruise or blood. Just love watching that boy do his magic. Spider does not mate all of the girls, just his select few. Beetle is mating the rest, though most all girls seek Spider's approval and protection. Spider and Beetle quickly started working as a team again. Beetle knows he is #2 and it works beautifully. My girls seem as happy as can be.

Love my morning view of the complaining captives.View attachment 3713906
Loving the cool workable weather. Lots to do today. Be good, stay well all.
Awww, Flo looks like a sweetheart. Waihona is progressing in trust with your care and attention. So glad the 4 that came to WA already have forever homes.
Fireworks here, even though we have a lot more space, are plentiful, legal and illegal, with the Native reservations that sell them. The law is that you are not to light them off the reservations, but no one checks. Hubby, who was in law enforcement, said that his department was told not to respond to fireworks calls. Not enough officers to field all those to have time to respond to higher priority calls. We have people who shoot them off before and after the designated times, and even off season, scaring the $&!+ out of my girls, cat, and I. No bueno! Late night, etc. So inconsiderate. I was in HI for New Years, and the smoke alone is so thick. We saw a drone checking for illegal fireworks around my sister's neighborhood. Heard of one bust on my nephew's friend's street. Can't catch them all. Hope you will be sane, and glad you have a getaway.
Two firsts here today. My long legged rooster AKA Legs crowed for the first time. Honey the pullet that was supposed to have been Legs' brother of sorts turned out to be a pullet laid her first egg today. Beyond that the day went south early. Tomorrow has got to be better.
Hoping for a better day today. Stay safe, and well.
The only time the form the cabbage is in matters to my lot is if it is a Savoy. I generally hang whole heads but I also feed individual leaves with no problems. Gladys has taught the rest of the crew to stand on the stalk end of the leaf to anchor it to the floor before tucking in - clever girl! They will not employ this method with Savoy leaves or touch a hanging head. The only way they will eat it is if I blitz it into oblivion in my food processor and mix it with their normal food. I've concluded It's a visual aversion to it - much like when people look at a foodstuff and decide they don't like it without
Gladys is such a good flock mom and queen. Such a smarty!
Awww, Flo looks like a sweetheart. Waihona is progressing in trust with your care and attention. So glad the 4 that came to WA already have forever homes.
Fireworks here, even though we have a lot more space, are plentiful, legal and illegal, with the Native reservations that sell them. The law is that you are not to light them off the reservations, but no one checks. Hubby, who was in law enforcement, said that his department was told not to respond to fireworks calls. Not enough officers to field all those to have time to respond to higher priority calls. We have people who shoot them off before and after the designated times, and even off season, scaring the $&!+ out of my girls, cat, and I. No bueno! Late night, etc. So inconsiderate. I was in HI for New Years, and the smoke alone is so thick. We saw a drone checking for illegal fireworks around my sister's neighborhood. Heard of one bust on my nephew's friend's street. Can't catch them all. Hope you will be sane, and glad you have a getaway.
Well, it is a big problem here and we know we have a big problem... and we seem to be staying in the problem because there are no solutions.
Almost every night year round, they blow fireworks at the beach park or down the way, almost like clockwork. Not the small kine or the pretty kine. The big a** rattle your windows and stop your heart kine. It is absolutely terrible. DH and i were walking one eve, fagged down the passing cops and pointed. They looked perturbed that we were bothering them. Must have been in March. I have little to no love for the whole firework scene. Oh, and cops did absolutely nothing. Possibly the same protocol, do nothing... 🫤

So, my neighbors and I all get to spend $1,000 on medications for our pets and vet visits, watch them be terrified and become neurotic, have near heartattacks every night. Too bad cops can't drive down the street or even park at the park and detour this behavior. Grrrrr.
Good morning gang!

@kurby22 I am so sorry for your loss. I know you love your wheatons ♡ hugs to Ari :hugs. Please tell her her fellow chicken people are sad too. Also, she does a really good job and gives her babies a good life, sometimes that is the best we can do ♡. Blinking mites. About to do battle with them myself. Gift of the feral broody that I have not been able to rid myself of yet. Gunna halfta try much harder... but where to find the time?!!!!

@Smokerbill love the cabbage holder and the resourcefulness of food finds. We used to raid the stores for our animals when I was a kid. I did trade eggs for bruised and ruined papaya for a bit but then a goat farmer sourced my source. Honestly, I can raid my fridge and keep my chooks in snacks just fine, plus fruit trees. Just processing out loud 😂

@PopoMyers I love hearing of your terrific progress with Olena. Your bond sounds so strong ♡♡♡♡ I am hella impressed an proud of you. House chicken lol. Keep up the terrific work, you are doing great!!!!

@ChicksnMore my heart just stops and I'm holding my breath for little Biscotti. So beautiful and fragile. I love the photo and story updates ♡♡♡ Just another day at the zoo ♡♡♡

@Shetland lover your cake and ornaments are just stunning. You certainly have a plethora of gifts and talent. You are amazing!!!!!

@ForFlocksSake Sounds like you have a good plan. If things get dicey, you can add little getaway spaces for the young ones. Big enough for the littles but not the bigs. Though, you sound like you got it and I am sure I am just reminding you about what you already know. ... I need reminding sometimes as the basics will escape me with time.

@LTAY1946 I hope all is okay 🤞. You do worry me as you sound about as accident prone as my DH. Try stay outta trouble today 😅♡♡♡♡
Nothing is ever repetitive to me! I’m learning every day and I love hearing other peoples experiences and opinions!

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