What did you do with your flock today?

Corn is high energy generating body heat when fed. Not good for a summer time treat at all. Hopefully your three week old chicks are feathered out some and that will help. Hope you have an electric space heater for the garage.
They have decent feathering. I put the brooder lamp back on (way above them but enough to keep warm enough for the brooder plate). I just went out to check them and only one was under the brooder plate. The other three were lounging outside of it.
Just as long as others are aware that you're outside. I would hate for you to fall and not have anyone there to help.
Thanks for the thoughts. We have walkie talkies and just after we got them that's when I fell and broke two ribs. Wife came got me up with the walker and loaded me up and off to the ER we went.
About this time of year I start thinking more seriously about getting some of those automatic doors for the coops so I can wait until is warms up some mornings but then I'd just worry about my kids and would pace wondering if they are alright. I think it is best that I go out bundled up like an arctic explorer and make sure they are ok.
I love my auto door. I have the runchicken door and it’s great.
I love my auto door. I have the runchicken door and it’s great.
I too love my auto doors!! I have a couple runchicken doors and like, 7 Omlet auto doors. I am so much happier having auto doors 😆 Rain, mud, early mornings, early bedtimes…none of that fits well with a busy family life (and a non-morning person!) ☺️ I still have to go out and check each day that everyone made it in/out.
Today was spa time for another batch of show chickens! This was a first bath for them and they were less than thrilled but mostly compliant ☺️ Cleaned cages and applied Vaseline to the high maintenance feather legged birds 😊


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Ferdy sounds like our parrot Tiny! Tiny watches me cook and calls out "cracker?" when he wants to try something. He wants to try just about everything 😂. He has to have a little plate of goodies or I'd never get dinner done. When the weather allows I often take him outside til I'm done though. Since he's my kids bird, I can do that and not feel like a bad mom 🙃
I always call Ferdy my cut-price parrot as he's always on my shoulder 😂
Tiny sounds adorable! He sounds like Ferdy's twin, Ferdy always wants to try what I'm cooking too. He had a ball last night snacking on all the veggies I was prepping for our baked cod and roasted Mediterranean vegetables. He enjoyed them even more once cooked.

I blame YouTube for Ferdy's parrot-like behaviour. He's loved watching them since he was a chick. We're currently engrossed in the will they/won't they? Beaker beak and Tinkerbell hatch-a-long.
The more a parrot mimics human speech, the more he likes it!
Most of my coops free range. Once I'm done with coops and have rock solid runs built then I will install coop doors so they can meet me in the runs.
Interesting! Multiple coops? Do they all have their specific coops they return to at night? I considered putting a second coop on my run when we expand but I pictured them all still using one and leaving the other empty.
Interesting! Multiple coops? Do they all have their specific coops they return to at night? I considered putting a second coop on my run when we expand but I pictured them all still using one and leaving the other empty.
Most all got into the coops at night that the grew up in. There is a coop for each breed. If I'm no longer hatching eggs from a breed or at least not going to for a couple of months then the run loose. Sometimes some of the Delaware girls will sneak into the RIR Coop and a few RIR girls hang with the Delaware roosters in there coop. Likewise with the roosters. I don't think you would have an empty coop if it is filled with chicks from the brooder and are kept there until they are 4-5 months old before turned out into the run. Of course if the coop is to crowded you will have to work a see my don't tough system to integrate the two flocks. Both coops should get used. Maybe not the way we might think they would but they will sort it our among them selves. If they don't there is something physically wrong with the coop they do not want to use. Drafty or not enough fresh air most likely I think.

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