What did you do with your flock today?

So I had time today to finally put some metal roofing panels up around the bottom of the run where the rain drops and splashes in, wetting the soil. Hopefully it will dry out. DH fixed and retied a corner of the tarp which had blown up and over on itself when we had some gusts and rain last week.
The girls got the rest of the Thanksgiving leftovers today.
I think I had forgotten to mention that Houdini the roo and Lani were killed a week after the other 5. I feel so dumb, as I had totally spaced and forgot to close the coop door that evening. The coons came to check. Have lost 7 in the last month. 😥 :he:mad:
Wow. You have had so much going on :hugs Sometimes it is hard to form sentences, especially in the midst of doing it all. You are a champ, a woman warrior ♡♡♡ My heart goes out to you.
I am so, so, SO incredibly sorry for your hard losses. I know you love your flock so much and only want the best.
Glad you are working your way through it. Successfully caring for Olena has hopefully helped to take some of the sting away ♡♡♡
Almost forgot to mention that I got lucky and was able to order dwarf eggs from Greenfire. I was delighted with how good they looked inside! Not bad air spaces at all, so I have high hopes for a good hatch. 🤞

I'm going to keep these separate from the dwarfs I got from my friend and enjoy just comparing the two flocks. I've been curious if my friends dwarfs are pure or if she mixed anything in to get the blues she had. I just haven't seen that color anywhere but in her flock. Though I read greys a color in them. At any rate, I'll really enjoy just watching them and comparing 😃.
View attachment 3692599
Oh how fun to have a neighbor like you!!
Master incubator!! Love your seemingly effortless style.
Oh my, he’s a truly beautiful boy!! He’s big! I forget how big they get after being around bantams so much! 😍😍

I have a good sized pile of bags now! I’m reaching a quantity worth shipping soon 😉😉
I think if I had bantam they would get beat by the ferals. I don't know. Pretty sure I could never find beautiful bantam breeds over here anyways. ☹️
I have been at a very happy place with my flock lately. Especially when split. They seem more manageable and less work in smaller numbers. Go figure 🤔 🙄 😒 😕 😐 😂😂😂

It just occurred to me that I have other projects and interests that I have not paid attention to. Mealworms and compost? Yes. Both failing because I forget to give them what they need.

Yep. ADHD. Self diagnosed.
have a good sized pile of bags now! I’m reaching a quantity worth shipping soon 😉😉
Thank you!! I think mainland bags are incredible!! And we appreciate your efforts. I took a big hiatus from sewing. I have to get back in my chair and do the work. Freshen stands for the holidays to come etc.
So distracted.... ♡
Going out now to give the hens and pullets a major treat. Eggs. Ma puts them in glass dishes in the microwave until done then cuts them up like scrambled eggs. They are stirred up before being cooked. The chickens love them. We keep 20 dozen on hand in an extra fridge and when new eggs are gathered we rotate to oldest eggs out for the chickens.
Sadly, stores here seem to have Christmas items out even before Halloween. Traditionally we don't put anything up until after Thanksgiving, about a month before Christmas. DH and the boys are in charge of putting up the tree. I have scaled down over the years after moving, and only having adults in the house. A few strings of lights on the porch to string up and plug in. Olena gets to join in the festivities. She has been having turkey dinner for the past few days. I think she intentionally waits until dinner, as she doesn't eat much of her regular crumbles, and then eats all the other things (sunflower seeds and cracked corn with the turkey this week) I give her before her vitamins in the evening. Little stinker!
I've been taking her out of her sling to just lay on her side for awhile, and practice relaxing her legs and squatting for a time. Her leveling device isn't working too good yet. Time is what's needed. Hopefully by spring, and the warmer outside temps. She's being a little louder, vocally. Good sign, yes?
Typical chicken! But if Olena's doing that and making more noise, I'd say improving too.
If I have other treats in my palm when I'm holding out a treat to one of them, they will always check out the treats in my palm first, just in case the half hidden ones are better! And I'm convinced Ferdy doesn't eat much during the day so he has more space in his crop to eat my dinner when he comes in. He thoroughly enjoyed his chicken fried rice with stir-fried pak choy and bean sprouts tonight. He and Elliot even helped themselves to a slice of lemon polenta cake that DH left out on the countertop :rant🤣
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So I had time today to finally put some metal roofing panels up around the bottom of the run where the rain drops and splashes in, wetting the soil. Hopefully it will dry out. DH fixed and retied a corner of the tarp which had blown up and over on itself when we had some gusts and rain last week.
The girls got the rest of the Thanksgiving leftovers today.
I think I had forgotten to mention that Houdini the roo and Lani were killed a week after the other 5. I feel so dumb, as I had totally spaced and forgot to close the coop door that evening. The coons came to check. Have lost 7 in the last month. 😥 :he:mad:
I'm so sorry :hugs
Chicken math in action :lau
I held of for 5 months then chick days hit and I went from 14 to 78
With plans and blueprints for how to keep going. I keep telling myself, only hatch to keep the bloodline and breed going, but the little voice saying BABIES!! is starting to win.
Thank you!! I think mainland bags are incredible!! And we appreciate your efforts. I took a big hiatus from sewing. I have to get back in my chair and do the work. Freshen stands for the holidays to come etc.
So distracted.... ♡View attachment 3692630
Who wouldn't be distracted by such beautiful bundles of fluff? 😍😍😍

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