What did you do with your flock today?

My beloved rooster died on Saturday.

I'm barely recovering from having to cull Ruby due to reproductive issues, and then, all of a sudden, Mabelo dies in his sleep.

Necropsy is not an option so I think I will always see this as a random curse. He died kind of how I expected my chickens to die but... not the day they turn 3 years old.

I can't totally believe it and I guess that's why I can't cry. So I just sit here with my remaining 3 chickens who have that "WTF" look in their faces, too. And I found that they're more clingy than usual

It's been 2 losses in the same month...

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I'm so sorry 😞 :hugs
I am so sorry. Mabello was an extremely handsome and well loved rooster. A terrible and tragic loss.

Terrific idea!!! Hatch his offspring and let him live on. Nothing like the son of a well loved roo and watching him grow into his own.
Nothing can replace Mabello but holding onto his legacy may help to ease your pain. :hugs

I love this idea, but I can't really have any more chickens at the time, which is probably another reason why I'm so heartbroken. But it is not a good idea, not until I have my own house at least. I started my flock with only two chicks at my parents' house, and I ended up with six when one of the two chicks (the one who wasn't Mabelo) got stolen. Trust me, I know that getting more chickens / hatching new chicks is the best pain reliever, lol.

But I'm not emotionally ready for more animals anyway. I'm coping with my own losses, and the fact that my boyfriend's dog was hit by a car on the same day that Mabelo died. He was not my dog, but I had a relationship with him, too. My mental health just needs a break from pet-related stuff.
My beloved rooster died on Saturday.

I'm barely recovering from having to cull Ruby due to reproductive issues, and then, all of a sudden, Mabelo dies in his sleep.

Necropsy is not an option so I think I will always see this as a random curse. He died kind of how I expected my chickens to die but... not the day they turn 3 years old.

I can't totally believe it and I guess that's why I can't cry. So I just sit here with my remaining 3 chickens who have that "WTF" look in their faces, too. And I found that they're more clingy than usual

It's been 2 losses in the same month...

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Sorry that you lost your rooster. I lost one of my 8 month old pullets out of the blue a couple days ago, and it was kind of a shock. She seemed perfectly fine the evening before when they were all getting ready to hit the roost for the night.
Sorry that you lost your rooster. I lost one of my 8 month old pullets out of the blue a couple days ago, and it was kind of a shock. She seemed perfectly fine the evening before when they were all getting ready to hit the roost for the night.

Exactly, what the actual ****? I understand this in older chickens, but 3-year-olds or, in your case, 8-month-olds???

My vet had even joked about the fact that Mabelo's health was perfect, he said during a checkup: "Mabelo will bury the rest of the flock himself".

Sorry for your loss, too :(
I needed to cure my sweet tooth problem so I drove to the local store to buy some cookies or something. (ended up getting an apple pie)
While I was there I figured I'd check the loading dock to see if there were any produce scraps on the loading dock. And I lucked out. There was a big banana box full of stuff; cabbage leaves, jalapeno peppers and apples is what I could see in the top of the box.

My chickens will be happy tomorrow! And good thing, because the bag of feed I opened up on the 5th of November is almost gone. That's just over three weeks for a 50# bag of feed. Maybe they're eating more now that it's been colder.
Exactly, what the actual ****? I understand this in older chickens, but 3-year-olds or, in your case, 8-month-olds???

My vet had even joked about the fact that Mabelo's health was perfect, he said during a checkup: "Mabelo will bury the rest of the flock himself".

Sorry for your loss, too :(
Thank you. I wanted to know why she died so I did a necropsy. I found out that she was laying eggs internally, so I assume that was the cause.
Had free time today and saw frost on my car window this morning. So decided to treat the birds to grape vines and sweet potato vines before the weather puts my plants to sleep.
The biggest green girl is my favorite, Java. She's the queen of the flock and always the first at the treats. No one will approach until she allows them, but once she says it's okay, she's very gracious. If she says she's not willing to share though 😬! All the others politely come close and watch her like a hawk to be sure they have her permission before digging in.


And I got my first hamburg egg! Only a couple of the girls have red faces still, but the rest should follow soon 🥰
Had free time today and saw frost on my car window this morning. So decided to treat the birds to grape vines and sweet potato vines before the weather puts my plants to sleep.
The biggest green girl is my favorite, Java. She's the queen of the flock and always the first at the treats. No one will approach until she allows them, but once she says it's okay, she's very gracious. If she says she's not willing to share though 😬! All the others politely come close and watch her like a hawk to be sure they have her permission before digging in.

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And I got my first hamburg egg! Only a couple of the girls have red faces still, but the rest should follow soon 🥰
STUNNING 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍
Worked on de-stringing bags. Set up a tent so the incoming inclement weather won't break my stride 😉.

Such a chore.

Kept the flock locked up (so they would not poop on my stuff...) till 4 🫣 poor babies. Then they cruised by and picked up the grains from the brew bags and pooped elseware TG.
Beetle let me know that they required more snacks. So, i got a few photos of his ask ♡ He is really developing into a fantastic boy. Im very proud of him.
He busted me trying to get a photo of his butt. Guess he did not approve.

Was too busy to catch a photo of the girls. I sure did enjoy their company while I worked though ♡

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