What did you do with your flock today?

Thank you everyone for the support and the advices. Here's an update on Ruby's case.

On Wednesday, the vet checked that she didn't have an egg and took the risk of leaving the sutures until Thursday.

On Thursday, as soon as her stitches were removed, she released a lash egg and prolapsed. So the vet stitched her again. I went back home and she prolapsed - even with stitches. I went back to the vet and he added more stitches.

She didn't prolapse again after that, but if she needs to lay an egg, well... it won't fit through that hole.

Now, Ruby seems to be feeling great, but if she can't keep her insides in, if she prolapses every time she gets the stitches removed.... Or if an egg comes (no, there's no Suprelorin available here, otherwise this wouldn't be a worry)
before she can fully heal... You can imagine how that'd go.

There's still necrotic tissue inside of her, the vet hopes that she can release it by herself or else she may need debridement....

So, a lot of things to take into account... I can barely sleep.

Today I took her out for a little while (she's mostly in a dark space to discourage egg laying) so she could sunbathe and forage for a bit... And I stayed with her all the time, thinking that maybe these are out last moments together... I mean, she is feeling good now, but there's a chance that she won't recover in time. Then I'd have to cull her...

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That's so sad to hear. I hope she's ok. I'm new to having chickens and I just could not deal with them being hurt, or something worse.
Today I spent some time with the whole flock.

Ruby was feeling better so I decided to let her out, and I witnessed something that I had never seen in my flock.

Her sister got close to her and she reacted aggressively. She was never an aggressive hen, but I thought "well maybe she knows she is sick so she doesn't want anyone around her". So I removed her sister from her sight.

But then I turned around for a moment and Eris (one of my barred rocks) and Ruby (a Golden Comet recovering from salpingitis + prolapse) were chest to chest glaring at each other.

I need answers, lol, something happened between Ruby and the other girls... Could it be that they pecked her prolapse before I saw it and now she resents them? She was isolated for almost one week now
Your poor girl. I feel so bad for her as well as you. My husband wants me to have 60 girls but I just couldn't deal with the thought of anything bad happening to them. I hope she's ok.
My big Cornish Cross girls and boys turn a year old Tuesday and I want to have a healthy treat party for them. Are there any fruits or berries they shouldn't have? I'm thinking strawberries and grapes at least. I know I can get fresh oranges this time of year too and can peel and cut sections of them up. Maybe some pear too if they are ok. This is a spur of the moment thing as I didn't think about the date the turn 1 until today.
My girls absolutely love grapes and tomatoes. They also love canned corn especially cream style. I purchase no salt.
I think today the order of visitation is going to be reversed. It's going to be what my chickens do with me. Well I do know that when the treats run out I'll be deserted by most of them. 2 or three will stay close by so I can sweet talk them more. I will sorely miss going into the White Giant coop when the girls are up on the roost waiting for goodnight hugs. They are going to think I've dumped them for someone else.
I think today the order of visitation is going to be reversed. It's going to be what my chickens do with me. Well I do know that when the treats run out I'll be deserted by most of them. 2 or three will stay close by so I can sweet talk them more. I will sorely miss going into the White Giant coop when the girls are up on the roost waiting for goodnight hugs. They are going to think I've dumped them for someone else.
Maybe time to consider a house chicken? One that goes outside by day, but knows to come to you by night?
Maybe time to consider a house chicken? One that goes outside by day, but knows to come to you by night?
We have a rooster in the kennel 90% recovered from serious injury from a gang of other roosters. He was a good one to have around for awhile but now has gone hormonal and has only one interest. I have one and occasionally a second hen that comes to a nest box by the door to lay. I'd love to have one of those tiny Serama trios as pets but there is no way to give them proper care inside. I have been thinking about a mini aviary at the end of the front porch/deck for pet housing for companion kids.

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