What did you do with your flock today?

Bigger. Serving the Plantation workers and their families would be my legit guess. You can see the sections of Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish & Filipino. Lots of headstones were gone. I'm very curious for more of its story.

Wow, do you think you will ever go and revisit that place in Kentucky? Be interesting and a bit of a treasure ♡
I'd sure love to! Don't think I'd be able to find it without help from my dad and he passed years and years ago .

Hope the remaining headstones gets some protection. ☹️.
I was wondering how long to give the electrolyte solution? This morning she was not liking to drink it. She is fighting me, struggling more as she woke me up a few times last night, kicking around in the box which is in the adjacent room. Her neck and head control is slightly better today. Now that she's on meloxicam, probably stop the vodka and electrolytes? What are signs that she is over the shock? You have been a great help. I am hoping she will be able to peck at and eat more on her own. She's been eating about one egg yolk a day, with about 45 -60 ml of oat milk mixed in so not so thick, over 3 or 4 meals. She readily drinks that in the mornings, until she gets sleepy. Gave her the Vit. B half tab, which she swallowed just fine.
Sounds like she's doing good! By now she should definitely be past any shock and the struggling and kicking around are good signs. I'd definitely stop the vodka completely...it's for short term use. Then I'd assess if she's drinking enough to not need electrolytes. If you think she is then stop them as well, if she's not drinking enough yet, then try to give her a little once a day with plain water the rest of the time.
So glad to hear how she's doing! Sounds hopeful ❤️
Sounds like she's doing good! By now she should definitely be past any shock and the struggling and kicking around are good signs. I'd definitely stop the vodka completely...it's for short term use. Then I'd assess if she's drinking enough to not need electrolytes. If you think she is then stop them as well, if she's not drinking enough yet, then try to give her a little once a day with plain water the rest of the time.
So glad to hear how she's doing! Sounds hopeful ❤️
I offer water and her oatmilk egg yolk mixture which she prefers. Thank you 😊 I am trusting her instincts at this point. She gets sleepy when she eats, seems normal from videos I've seen of wry neck chooks when they eat. I'm going to make her a sling tomorrow so she can be upright some of the time. If I understand correctly, they shouldn't sleep in it. Is that right? What's your experience?
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I was wondering what to do with this weird asian fusion slowcook and thought stuff it, why the bin and threw it out to the chooks. Now Smog is an eager hen but a little too eager to the point she got in the way and is now strutting around wearing half of it.


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I offer water and her oatmilk egg yolk mixture which she prefers. Thank you 😊 I am trusting her instincts at this point. She gets sleepy when she eats, seems normal from videos I've seen of wry neck chooks when they eat. I'm going to make her a sling tomorrow so she can be upright some of the time. If I understand correctly, they shouldn't sleep in it. Is that right? What's your experience?
Was hoping someone with wry neck experience would respond but it's late enough I'll just give it my best guess. I think sleeping in a sling would risk her struggling and getting tangled up. Depends on the sling maybe. I have used slings with slipped tendons and I don't leave them in it over night for that reason. Instead I make a bowl shaped nest. Thats for babies with bad legs though so I'm not sure how a nest would be for a wry neck adult. I do think the bowl nest would comfortably support her body in the natural position and the worst that can happen is you find her out of it in the morning.

If you decide to try that, I use shredded paper like you find in gift baskets to create the bowl shape. Like this stuff:

It smooshes into a good shape easy, holds the shape well, gives foot grip, and lets in enough air for poops to dry. Again, that's with babies but I think it might be good for your girl. Worth trying maybe? So just any bedding to make a nest that gives similar properties.

I do wonder if upright would help or hinder her neck improving...wish I knew what's best for her neck. 😕

You've done so well with her...I think you'll notice if upright with no neck support is uncomfortable for her

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