What did you do with your flock today?

Thats a lot of scrambling 🤣
Her method is really pretty simple now just don't tell my chickens they are nuked in the microwave. Fill a baking glass pan and cook the stirred up eggs until they firm up. Remove and slice like fudge into small pieces. Put them into gallon pals and remember to take a long handled spoon to toss with to prevent injury to your hand and fingers taking them out of the bucket. My chickens fail to noticed where the eggs stop an my hand starts.
Her method is really pretty simple now just don't tell my chickens they are nuked in the microwave. Fill a baking glass pan and cook the stirred up eggs until they firm up. Remove and slice like fudge into small pieces. Put them into gallon pals and remember to take a long handled spoon to toss with to prevent injury to your hand and fingers taking them out of the bucket. My chickens fail to noticed where the eggs stop an my hand starts.
They really love their scrambled egg
I think your doing great ♡. I was told that an average chicken needs to eat a minimum of 30mils per day to stay alive. That is why I syringe feed ♡ but if she is eating on her own, your doing well ♡♡♡

What a thought, drunk chickens... like, I'd have to give the whole flock a little booze. No fun having just one drunk chicken.
You could let some fruit ferment...:pop.Is the 30 ml food, or water? A broody can go weeks without eating, right? More watery poo this morning, with some solids. She ate a little oatmeal liquid, and had her electrolytes. Trying about every 2 hours for hydration. Does that sound ok?
We had a little dispute over territory and possessions earlier. A 5 month old white leghorn took notice of some pretty young dark cornish pullets and wandered over for a closer look only to be met by their big brute of a hubby. They duked it out until Foghorn decided it wasn't worth it and moved off far enough to no longer draw the ire of Brutus. It's just not smart to pick the pullet out standing by her man.
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