What did you do with your flock today?

Seriously though, do you find anything affects the flavour of eggs? Mine get all sorts of things that are traditionally said to flavour eggs, e.g. they get oily fish at least twice a month and they regularly gèt into my garlic bed, dig up the bulbs and gorge on them. They also go crazy for garlic bread if they can get their beaks on it. And they absolutely love my home-made veggie chilli. I really haven't noticed any of it tainting the eggs.
Our feral chickens have super small tasty eggs. So, on the theory... scrounging bugs 😂🐛
Truly adorable!!!❤❤❤❤❤
Dogs often get on great with pigs in my limited experience? Or you could adopt him a friend? He's obviously very trusting and happy with you!
My dogs are really good babies. Mina the goat wants to be a dog and spends most of her time running and playing with them. If I restrict her to the horse pen, she climbs the fence into the neighbors yard 🤯. Minas only happy when she gets to pretend she's a puppy. But Mojos been attacked by dogs so I try to keep mine away from him for his peace of mind... otherwise I'd see if Mojo and the dogs could make friends. I'm sure he'd be safe, just not sure he could be happy that way.

Really think his best bet is with the pig sanctuary still. He's so dang cute and still small and young. Really no place to keep one pig long term here, let alone two though.
So, after a 1 hour drive and a brutal 3 hour wait... the little patients were seen. I was pretty fussy about showing up to my 12 o'clock appointment early- it being a "silver bullet" or called in favor, also, me having done past and present work for them. Mostly it was because I squeeked out the time to get the kitties in and still needing to be in (at least) 2 other places just the same.
Elepaio was very weak, i was afraid i was going to lose him.View attachment 3651618
Both had fevers and dehydration ☹️ I was very grateful for the help and my fears calmed quickly. Hoping today I see improvement.
The rest of kitties are bright eyed and playing like bandits.
View attachment 3651613View attachment 3651615View attachment 3651616
Talley Ho having a special place...View attachment 3651660with Forest and in our hearts.
Silver liningsView attachment 3651605View attachment 3651606View attachment 3651607View attachment 3651608
O my gosh that's so adorable 😻😻😻. What a good boy Forest is! Our cats are all meanies that attack new cats if they can. They barely tolerate each other. I don't think they'd ever accept a new kitty no matter how carefully they were introduced.
What lucky little tykes you have there!
I was worried that when I got home I was going to have chicken casualties. One is holding on, while the other 2 showed good improvement. Good ol syringe feeding ♡ This one is hard. I suspect botulism and I did not get to them early. I can only keep doing what I can... when I can. I hate not being able to give 100% but my available time has improved now that dh is home. I really despise drive time...
I'm sure they have the best chance with you, even if you're stretched thin right now ❤️
So, after a 1 hour drive and a brutal 3 hour wait... the little patients were seen. I was pretty fussy about showing up to my 12 o'clock appointment early- it being a "silver bullet" or called in favor, also, me having done past and present work for them. Mostly it was because I squeeked out the time to get the kitties in and still needing to be in (at least) 2 other places just the same.
Elepaio was very weak, i was afraid i was going to lose him.View attachment 3651618
Both had fevers and dehydration ☹️ I was very grateful for the help and my fears calmed quickly. Hoping today I see improvement.
The rest of kitties are bright eyed and playing like bandits.
View attachment 3651613View attachment 3651615View attachment 3651616
Talley Ho having a special place...View attachment 3651660with Forest and in our hearts.
Silver liningsView attachment 3651605View attachment 3651606View attachment 3651607View attachment 3651608
AWWWW, that is so adorable!! Look at that content little face getting loved on :love :love :love
I made all the necessary rounds for feed and water and turned the layers out to dust bathe and hunt bugs and such. Much to my dissatisfaction the white giants escaped out the doors while I was filling up there water fountain. I'm going to stop that with a latch on the inside. All but one of them will go into the coop now at dusk. The one will be on the porch near the front door. Once I get there new run finished they will not have free range as I want to hatch pure white giants and if they run free there would be some chicks with really scrambled genes. I have a nice photo of two of the dark cornish girls trying to lay in a tight spot this morning. Now to get it off the phone. I lost one of the cornish cross last night. She was very overweight even with controlled access to feed. Hens weighing over 15lbs are really big girls.
I made all the necessary rounds for feed and water and turned the layers out to dust bathe and hunt bugs and such. Much to my dissatisfaction the white giants escaped out the doors while I was filling up there water fountain. I'm going to stop that with a latch on the inside. All but one of them will go into the coop now at dusk. The one will be on the porch near the front door. Once I get there new run finished they will not have free range as I want to hatch pure white giants and if they run free there would be some chicks with really scrambled genes. I have a nice photo of two of the dark cornish girls trying to lay in a tight spot this morning. Now to get it off the phone. I lost one of the cornish cross last night. She was very overweight even with controlled access to feed. Hens weighing over 15lbs are really big girls.
I can't even imagine a 15lb chicken! 🌝🤯. I've seen some awfully big roosters before... probably that heavy, but don't think I've ever seen a hen that big! Sorry you lost her.

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