What did you do with your flock today?

I actually use a twig when I want to round the chickens up into the coop at night. Well, only occasionally. Usually they are in on their own, but every now and then there are a couple that are wandering around at dusk. For some reason they are concerned about the twig and just want to stay away from it. I have never hit them, or even attempted to. So strange. But I'm glad it works when I need it. I just tap it on the ground and that's all it takes.
When my chickens were younger and more curious about the world I sometimes carried a very long stick to herd them around. It's a good 8 feet long and 1/2" X 1/2", so it's pretty flexible. It worked well.

Now, especially later in the evening when there are 2 or 3 that don't seem to want to go inside to roost, I just ask them "Don't you think it's time for you to go back in?" and point to the door. Usually, it seems like they understand, and go into the run with the rest of the birds. Strange, but true. LOL
I actually use a twig when I want to round the chickens up into the coop at night. Well, only occasionally. Usually they are in on their own, but every now and then there are a couple that are wandering around at dusk. For some reason they are concerned about the twig and just want to stay away from it. I have never hit them, or even attempted to. So strange. But I'm glad it works when I need it. I just tap it on the ground and that's all it takes.
Sticks are very scary 😂

I do all of the above but also use a hose to give me that longer reach when I need. Mostly, I let them put themselves to bed 😴
I used my cane for the first time out tending to the coops. For some reason that didn't set well with the Delaware hens. The flew all over the coop. Their coop is 16x14 and they made mess of things. I've had these girls since they were 3 days old and they know the sound of my voice. I always talk to them as I enter the coop. I think their crazy genes revealed themselves today. Once they all got out for their daily free range time they settled down but were still showing that they were cautious of me. Crazy hens.
Hahaha, chickens are hilarious. Mine do this when I have the gall to add pine shavings to the coop!! You'd think I brought in murdering predators! :lol:
Went to the hardware store this morning...
tossed some crushed granola bar for the feral chickens...
🤔 could have used a few more granola bars forsure. Poor crew looked rather motley.
I used my cane for the first time out tending to the coops. For some reason that didn't set well with the Delaware hens. The flew all over the coop. Their coop is 16x14 and they made mess of things. I've had these girls since they were 3 days old and they know the sound of my voice. I always talk to them as I enter the coop. I think their crazy genes revealed themselves today. Once they all got out for their daily free range time they settled down but were still showing that they were cautious of me. Crazy hens.
I had something like that the other day. I went to take a picture in one of the coops and I'd changed my phone case to one with a crossbody strap for handsfree carrying. I went to take it off and the minute I did a few birds panicked. They normally hop on and off my feet and I have to shuffle walk to not step on anyone. Little goofballs got so upset by my case strap movement that they hit the unlatched door hard enough to pop it open and got to spend the day playing in the yard.
Hopefully yours will get used to the cane enough to ignore it in time.
I found another egg in the feeder in the white giant coop. I must get them girls a nest box built. The weather is so much better maybe by the end of the week I'll have 3 new nest boxes built. The Cornish need one. the white giants need one, and a new coop of 18 Rhode Island Reds that we hatched out needs one. All are starting to lay.
What kind of feeder do you have that one can comfortably sit and lay an egg in it?

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