What did you do with your flock today?

My gorgeous George was a quarter Siamese and quite the chatterbox. Had to give you his opinion on anything and everything! He was also fiercely intelligent. To give you an example, his favourite food was prawns. You could whisper "prawns" and he'd come running. It got to the point where you couldn't say the word "prawns" without him plaguing you for some. So, we started calling them "pink peas". Took him 3 days to cotton on that "pink peas" were prawns. My brother used to torture him by saying "George? Do you want some praaa.......line?" He'd sit expectantly until my brother changed prawns to praline then he'd huff very loudly and stalk off. He knew about 40 to 50 words for definite and probably more.

A strip of tulle would look great! And maybe some tiny flowers? Maybe I should make bonnets for the pekin girls, they always remind me of Victorian ladies wearing bustles!
Hahaha George sounds like quite the character! 😆 We had a Siamese that would go get my sisters toothbrush out of the bathroom and chew on it in front of you until you fed him 😆

Since you said that I had to share this cuz it makes me giggle! I hope you can see it!
The last egg that Daisy and Duchess were given that had a chance at hatching was abandoned by them after pipping. So I got worried and brought it inside and stuck the egg in my cheap incubator last night. I kept an eye on it all day and finally decided to help it hatch after it had been pipped for over 24 hours. It was a bit shrink wrapped so I’m glad I helped! Well I saw the little feathered legs and yellowy down and assumed Silkie cross. Once it fluffed out I was looking at it and it dawned on me that it looked just like Ruby did as a chick!
New baby -

Ruby as a baby (bottom pics) -

So I think I got a lucky pure bred from Ruby and my light Brahma hen Bella 😍😍😍 Being light colored likely means it’s a boy, but if he’s anything like Ruby he will fit right in 😍😍 He’s gonna be a small version of Spider @TropicalBabies! 🥰 Isn’t he precious? ❤️😍❤️😍
The last egg that Daisy and Duchess were given that had a chance at hatching was abandoned by them after pipping. So I got worried and brought it inside and stuck the egg in my cheap incubator last night. I kept an eye on it all day and finally decided to help it hatch after it had been pipped for over 24 hours. It was a bit shrink wrapped so I’m glad I helped! Well I saw the little feathered legs and yellowy down and assumed Silkie cross. Once it fluffed out I was looking at it and it dawned on me that it looked just like Ruby did as a chick!
New baby -
View attachment 3629840
Ruby as a baby (bottom pics) -
View attachment 3629841

So I think I got a lucky pure bred from Ruby and my light Brahma hen Bella 😍😍😍 Being light colored likely means it’s a boy, but if he’s anything like Ruby he will fit right in 😍😍 He’s gonna be a small version of Spider @TropicalBabies! 🥰 Isn’t he precious? ❤️😍❤️😍
Congratulations miss @kurby22 !!!!
Pretty terrific you figured all that out in just a few hours 🤔💡😀 impressive!
I'm looking forward to watching this little grow ♡ So glad you get to keep this lucky lil guy :love
Well, just for fun, I got my nails done for the coming wedding trip and now I'm having trouble typing 🤣. I should have waited til next week!

Anyways, it's a beautiful morning here. The suns not up yet and the world's cool and quiet still. Beautiful time of day. O...the first roosters just started to crow 🥰

Think today I'm going to make a run to the feed store for pine shavings and clean the nest boxes. I might go all the way to tractor supply this time so I can get some chewy treats for the dogs for while I'm away.

The sleepy roosters have gone quiet again...guess dawns not quite here yet.
Congratulations miss @kurby22 !!!!
Pretty terrific you figured all that out in just a few hours 🤔💡😀 impressive!
I'm looking forward to watching this little grow ♡ So glad you get to keep this lucky lil guy :love
Thanks! Me too! :D The other two I let them hatch are so different...and probably also boys with my luck! Hahaha. Can't wait to see how they feather out!
Thanks! Me too! :D The other two I let them hatch are so different...and probably also boys with my luck! Hahaha. Can't wait to see how they feather out!
I chant "please be a girl, please be a girl" everytime I see them... but know my averages are ehh.
Speaking of.... any thoughts on this one people?

I'm thinking girl but I have been fooled before... more than a few times.

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