What did you do with your flock today?

My first birds I tried multiple roos with were the Yokohama's and the oegbs. It went so well with both and the boys act like family. All of my coops have multiple roost options and I see them all choosing to roost together with boys sleeping side by side. Then I got the dwarfs and they're exactly the same. More than happy together and very much a unit. But the silver hamburgs! They're not at pol yet but their flock dynamics are changing. They've split into two flocks, each centered around a different boy. There's no fighting yet but I think I'm going to have to keep a close eye on them for it because at bedtime each group has chosen separate roosting areas, with one lady who's choosing to sleep all by herself each night. During the day they're all mixing and mingling and not fighting...but I'm worried they're going to once the hormones kick in.
So I'm not going to split my dwarfs up into color groups for now. I'll just watch the hamburgs as they mature and see if I need one of the empty coops to separate the two groups. Up until recently they were all sleeping together on one perch!
Man, my boys were like Cinderella's slipper. I had to keep trying till I found #1 Spider a harmonious match. Even now he will give Beetlejuice a good goose for...keeping him on his toes? Silly boys.
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I think I may bring him down. He has a leg injury that may not be as superficial as i origionally thought. I have a few girls here for him to stare at while in iso/rehab. 👍 He is a sweetheart boy that is iinterestedin and follows people around. I don't know if because of his abandonment or just 100% temperament. A real gentleman and worthy of more than being dropped to beg for scraps at any rate.

50% of my mountain flock is in some stage of a molt. Everyone looks pretty mild though. None of the 5 girls I brought down are going through a molt 🤔 interesting.
Bet he's glad he met you! He sounds like a sweetheart. Have to say my favorites are always the ones that want to interact with me ❤️

I kind love it when they molt. I always end up with little piles of pretty feathers scattered around the house. Feather bouquets etc 😂 Here's my most recent feather finds while outside
Bet he's glad he met you! He sounds like a sweetheart. Have to say my favorites are always the ones that want to interact with me ❤️

I kind love it when they molt. I always end up with little piles of pretty feathers scattered around the house. Feather bouquets etc 😂 Here's my most recent feather finds while outside View attachment 3619124
Beautiful! Love your vignette with the stone orbs mixed with wood. Your feathers are gorgeous, be still my beating heart 💗
** I should add that my small collection gets confiscated by grandkids, for which I am grateful. You have inspired me to be better with my displays and maybe I will try and keep more around. I have some keepsakes from favorite pasture boys of the past. ♡♡♡
My first birds I tried multiple roos with were the Yokohama's and the oegbs. It went so well with both and the boys act like family. All of my coops have multiple roost options and I see them all choosing to roost together with boys sleeping side by side. Then I got the dwarfs and they're exactly the same. More than happy together and very much a unit. But the silver hamburgs! They're not at pol yet but their flock dynamics are changing. They've split into two flocks, each centered around a different boy. There's no fighting yet but I think I'm going to have to keep a close eye on them for it because at bedtime each group has chosen separate roosting areas, with one lady who's choosing to sleep all by herself each night. During the day they're all mixing and mingling and not fighting...but I'm worried they're going to once the hormones kick in.
So I'm not going to split my dwarfs up into color groups for now. I'll just watch the hamburgs as they mature and see if I need one of the empty coops to separate the two groups. Up until recently they were all sleeping together on one perch!
Sounds like the Hamburg boys are gonna be a bit more work! I definitely think certain breeds are just much better at accepting others as long as they know their place! ❤️ Good luck!
I went out at noon to check on the feathered kids and went to get a little more feed out of one of my 25 gallon metal trash can and found a pullet in the bottom of the feed bag in it. She and I both had a scare. I took the little lady over to the water fountain for a drink and then she was off to catch up on the latest gossip the other girls had and to relate her near death experience of the day.
I went out at noon to check on the feathered kids and went to get a little more feed out of one of my 25 gallon metal trash can and found a pullet in the bottom of the feed bag in it. She and I both had a scare. I took the little lady over to the water fountain for a drink and then she was off to catch up on the latest gossip the other girls had and to relate her near death experience of the day.
How the heck?!!!! Lucky her she was found before.... 😳 gulp. Good rescue.

I've had a set of 2-3 month olds that were repeat offenders of turning over the stainless water bowl on themselves. First time was shocking. Second time I was quick to figure it out... third time... I guess they did not get the whole water bowl thing so I emptied bowl and turned it over so never had a forth time.

Chickens 🤷‍♀️💕🐔
We are on the last day of this heat. I can’t wait for some relief…..I’m so so so ready for fall, and then can we just jump to spring back to fall??? I mean really…
How can it actually feel that hot??? Goodness I cannot imagine anything more miserable! 😆 I hope you get some relief soon!
Martha was in the nesting box all day...at least every time I checked on her. About 5pm I brought out some squash and tomatoes, but she wouldn't leave the nest. I was a little concerned she might be egg bound, so I reached in with both hands and removed her. I put her on the ground and she just sat, but there was a perfectly normal egg in the nest!

I picked her up again and checked her rear. Vent was clean. l held her like a football, talking to her and she remained calm. After stroking her a couple times I put her down, she shook herself, and walked away.

Could a 6 month old pullet that started laying a couple weeks ago go broody?

Martha was in the nesting box all day...at least every time I checked on her. About 5pm I brought out some squash and tomatoes, but she wouldn't leave the nest. I was a little concerned she might be egg bound, so I reached in with both hands and removed her. I put her on the ground and she just sat, but there was a perfectly normal egg in the nest!

I picked her up again and checked her rear. Vent was clean. l held her like a football, talking to her and she remained calm. After stroking her a couple times I put her down, she shook herself, and walked away.

Could a 6 month old pullet that started laying a couple weeks ago go broody?

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I don't know if she could go broody but she is a beautiful lady that looks like she could make a great mother of chicks.

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