What did you do with your flock today?

I took the pitchfork to the woodchips in both runs and turned them over. The outdoor day run is on a slope, and woodchips tend to get scratched downhill. I tossed a bunch of woodchips from the deep downhill layer back uphill so they can repeat the process.

I still have 10 or 15 pounds of all flock feed, so I made some morning mash out of it for my chickens this morning. I mixed in some pulverized oyster shells so it's more like layer feed with calcium.

No broken, soft eggs under the roost this morning, and 6 nice eggs so far in the boxes, with another bird still sitting on the nest. I have some overgrown leaf lettuce in the garden that I'll probably give the girls this afternoon after it warms up.
I picked up a bag of cracked corn I'm going to try and see if I throw a little on the litter in the coops if the hens will turn it over form me. No harm in letting them work for their keep while they are not laying at capacity.
After I turned the woodchips in the run I threw about a half cup of scratch in there, and they've been working on it all day.
Forced my very tired self out to lay some fresh straw and shavings in some of the runs in most need. I love watching them be entertained by something so simple 😍 It’s almost more work dealing with the children as “helpers” but between all of us we laid 60 lbs of Koop Clean straw and 22 cubic ft of Ecoflake. Emptied and raked out poop trays in the ikea coops, and refilled some waterers. I have to go back to the feed store tomorrow probably and get more Koop Clean and Ecoflake, as we only covered 4 of the 10 runs needing fresh bedding 🤪 They were the biggest ones though! My Fitbit told me I burned 600 calories in one hour…so I’m pretty sure my body is not at 100%! Spreading straw is not reallllly that difficult 🤦🏼‍♀️ Happy chickens though!
What kind of chicken is he?
I’m not entirely sure, he’s some sort of mix. I think he has some black copper marans in him though.
Hello! This is a place to post pictures/talk about what you and your flock have done today.

I was on a zoom call earlier and Iris, my rooster, decided to stand behind me and crow repeatedly. Thankfully I was on mute, but it was still annoying. They couldn’t see him, but they could see me trying to make him quiet, which was a little embarrassing. :lol:
Here’s a pic of my boy with some mini roses.
View attachment 2128202

What about you guys? Have you done anything interesting with your flock today?

Here are a few pictures of my birds.
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Today I checked on my new addition I picked up from the farmers market.. AKA stalked her for eggs LOL not only did she not lay neither did one of my australorp ladies so that was a bust! I upgraded the waterer in the brooder for the ckickies they're drinking about double what they've been so that's good! Back feathers are coming in nicely! Also checked on my tomato plants!
I tried to keep up on the thread, but COVID has hit our house and I finally got it and I’ve been asleep more hours than awake since Wednesday 😫 Thank goodness for DayQuil and NyQuil…it’s the only thing keeping me from pure misery. Had to go out and water the chickens, so I’m all out of energy now. Hope your son feels better than I do @TropicalBabies! So glad you have him safe and near you ❤️
Hope your feeling better :hugs
Does anyone else's chickens seem to know the names of their flockmates?
For a while now I've been half jokingly asking Ferdy to fetch me a particular hen. For example, if I ask him to find Pru off he goes and brings her to me within a few seconds. He does this with all my chickens except Gladys. He goes looking for her but usually comes back without her.
I'm going to start documenting him doing this as anecdotally he seems to have an 80-90% success rate in bringing back the right chicken. Maybe I'm just losing the plot but if chickens can memorize up to a hundred faces, why not the sounds we make for individual flockmates names? 🤔
That's amazing! I had a dog that would find my oldest when I asked him where she is. He also knew what I wanted if I asked him where his ball, tug, Kong or our rabbit was. I do think chickens are a lot smarter then a lot of people give them credit for. You must have an amazing bond with Ferdy ❤️

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