What did you do with your flock today?

I soaked the woodchips a second time today, but only in the daytime run area. That really seems to help keep the chickens cool.

I pulled up my zero gravity recliner next to the run and sipped a beer in the 100 degree heat watching them for a good hour, then remembered I had frozen apple skins and cores.

I got the scraps out of the freezer and made the pullets happy! There were a couple of whole frozen apples in the scraps too, and they really love pecking on those.

I might let them out to do some foraging again this evening, like I did last night. Being outside watching the chickens beats sitting inside inside in my non-air conditioned house. It's 91 degrees in here right now!
Was busy in the kitchen today and then piggy of course. So not much bird time at all. But when I went to close the coop tonight, I found two of my baby yokos had decided to claim my tool basket as their roost tonight. Thought they looked awfully cute there even if it means I need to move my basket 😂

And found this pretty feather while cleaning water bowls earlier in the day. Think it's from Magic.
She survived pneumonia with pulmonary edema. I took her to the vet in critical condition (they had to give her oxygen) and he even proposed to cull her. I committed to give her a long treatment instead - one month of antibiotics every 12 hours, diuretics (to help her expel the fluids in her lungs) every 24 hours, and bronchodilators as needed.

She recovered from the infection/edema but ended up with tracheal stenosis and reduced lung capacity. Meaning, she breathes with noises and if she gets too nervous/excited or runs more than she should, she starts breathing with her beak open and making louder noises.

Sometimes, she needs to take bronchodilators because of that. But she mostly has a normal chicken life - with a few limitations, but she's learned to live with them.

For example, she knows she can't run a lot so if the rest of the flock is running, she goes behind them at her own pace.

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She also has reproductive issues. She has a tendency to lay soft shelled eggs (if she lays at all - she mostly stopped laying after her illness). So, once in a while, she spends like 2 hours in the nest box or needs a warm butt bath. I must keep an eye on her in case of infections or prolapses (this happened once).

But I swear I don't mind. I just want to be with her for the rest of her time - which is probably limited. (Or not? The vet told me her case is so rare he doesn't know what to think).
Post this on the special needs page. It comes up on the home page. You are a wonderful caregiver. What a lucky chicken.
Well, my neighbor and us said our goodbyes today. He sold his mom's house. She was hard of hearing, and he loved my girls and boy. Crowing was welcome. He was also treat dispenser #3, and they knew his call. Now with new neighbors moving in soon, the future of the crowing is uncertain. I'll just have to share some eggs with them, Pronto.
Peaches, pears and plums are falling, to the chickens' delight. Just can't let them have too many.🍦💩 :sick
When my chickens were out foraging tonight, one of them started acting weird, and I've seen it before. She just pretty much quit moving around. Stood around a lot, pecked a little.

Last time I saw it, the pullet finally dropped a shell less egg out on the lawn. I didn't see this one drop an egg, but I think that's what's going on with her. Her comb is just starting to grow, so I think her first egg is on the way and she doesn't quite know what's going on.

Or it could be an upset stomach from the frozen apple peels they all got this afternoon. Hard to know what's going on with chickens...
I soaked the woodchips a second time today, but only in the daytime run area. That really seems to help keep the chickens cool.

I pulled up my zero gravity recliner next to the run and sipped a beer in the 100 degree heat watching them for a good hour, then remembered I had frozen apple skins and cores.

I got the scraps out of the freezer and made the pullets happy! There were a couple of whole frozen apples in the scraps too, and they really love pecking on those.

I might let them out to do some foraging again this evening, like I did last night. Being outside watching the chickens beats sitting inside inside in my non-air conditioned house. It's 91 degrees in here right now!
I would just melt away if my house was that hot inside! 🫠🫠 my husband and I battle over 72 -74 😆😆 I’m home more! I could not would not live in a house with no AC…I’d probably even consider selling my children to have AC! (Jk jk!)

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