What did you do with your flock today?

I let my birds out of the run yesterday evening for around 45 minutes of free ranging time around the backyard. A couple of the pullets like to go off by themselves exploring, and there are others that can't be alone. One of them took wing and sort of flew 30 or 40 feet down a slope, maintaining about 1 foot above ground level the whole way.

And I got a close look at one of the cockerels performing his duties, and I think he did it right. He grasped the pullet by the nape of the neck, did the deed, and jumped off. The pullet shook, fluffed her feathers, then calmly went back to the business of eating grass, like nothing had happened.
He sure did. The pullet shaking afterwards sends the sperm up to "bank".
Your busy sounds like a good way to live ❤️. Crab, berries, gardening and classes!
Velma looks great and glad those eggs seem to be working. Really glad you got to Cinnamon in time. Hope it did her no harm beyond her pride.
The chickens here are doing ok with the heat. I even catch them sunbathing occasionally. There's nothing quite like checking on your chickens because you're worried about the heat and seeing one sprawled out and still in the dirt. I always go over to be sure they're ok...and get the stink eye for disturbing them 😂 But I've never lost a bird or even had one act heat struck. They get to adjust slowly with the weather and are smart enough to use the cooling methods they can. Lots of panting here though!
Good to hear from you and hope your thumbs continuing to heal well. Sounds like you're getting lots of pt just from living a good life ❤️
Yes, thank you. Getting left one done towards the end of next month. They are just funny, dirt bathing in the sun. Moonscape in the yard. I actually lost a pullet 2 summers ago from heat exhaustion/stroke.
He sure did. The pullet shaking afterwards sends the sperm up to "bank".
And that can keep the hen laying fertile eggs for a couple weeks, right?

Got another three nice little eggs today. They are slowly getting bigger, one weighed around 42.5 grams. I need to go check again in a little while. I don't know how many of my 8 pullets are laying, but when they all get going I'll have a lot of eggs to eat.
And that can keep the hen laying fertile eggs for a couple weeks, right?

Got another three nice little eggs today. They are slowly getting bigger, one weighed around 42.5 grams. I need to go check again in a little while. I don't know how many of my 8 pullets are laying, but when they all get going I'll have a lot of eggs to eat.
Yes, 3 weeks. Most of mine are fertile, some are not. 13 hens is a lot to keep up with, and he has his favorites.
And that can keep the hen laying fertile eggs for a couple weeks, right?

Got another three nice little eggs today. They are slowly getting bigger, one weighed around 42.5 grams. I need to go check again in a little while. I don't know how many of my 8 pullets are laying, but when they all get going I'll have a lot of eggs to eat.
Nice problem to have. Most of mine are sold quickly, and this week sold before they're laid. 🙃

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