What did you do with your flock today?

Hey! I've been missing you and @FBMcrazy8, glad to see and hear from you! Understand the pause though.

We don't have high humidity here thank goodness, so the misters are highly effective. I read that a mist system can drop temps up to 30 degrees within feet of the mist in super hot dry climates! That is incredible to me. I looked into misters for humid climates and it does say that even in really humid climates a mister can help drop temps 5-10 degrees, which isn't a lot but still might be helpful? I also found this outdoor swamp cooler thingy that you can connect a hose to that is supposed to be much better in humid climates and there is a $50 off coupon right now too! Maybe something to consider? Pricier but maybe more effective?

Glad for the link! That unit looks interesting ❤️
Well I would call you skilled!! I don't think I would come close to that beautiful work without having a lot of skills!! Don't sell your artistry short! You are quite talented and skilled! ❤️
Now I'm blushing 😂
I'm switching feed from crumbles to pellets. Really small pellets. The last couple bags were X-cel 20% starter/grower crumbles. I like the protein level but I don't like that a lot of the crumbles and dust gets lost.

I found a new feed CHS Payback All Purpose Poultry Pellets. I gave my chickens a couple of cups of it to see if they'd eat it. And they did. Actually seemed to like it. It has a little less protein, at 19%, but I think it will work well, with a side of oyster shells when the time comes.

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Looks good to me! Compost areas definitely a great place for chickens.
While out gathering eggs this afternoon I am 99% sure I heard a Mockingbird mocking a chicken song. Maybe that's why some of my young Cornish are chasing the mockingbirds around. It could be about the competition for the bugs in the grass.
Gotta love mockingbirds ❤️
That's funny! Water cooler gossip!. LOL

I was about ready to take my mini guitar down there again. It's 81 degrees here and feels hot to me, but in the chickens' chosen location by the compost it feels 10 degrees cooler. There's a breeze blowing up through the woods. I guess chickens have some smarts after all.
Hehe, 81 feels hot to me too! Sounds like a lovely spot to congregate! 😍
While out gathering eggs this afternoon I am 99% sure I heard a Mockingbird mocking a chicken song. Maybe that's why some of my young Cornish are chasing the mockingbirds around. It could be about the competition for the bugs in the grass.
I sure wish mine sounded more like mockin birds!!! Lolol

@kurby22 awesome info! I use DE in the run n dustbath and FSL around perimeter but will definitely add in the run soon as they get my last shipment to me that's 2 weeks late...said new computer system.
I did add 2 new ones...which may very well be what tipped them over the edge stress wise. Will NOT be adding or havin babies for a LONG time! Man have I learned a valuable lesson here!
@TropicalBabies in talkin further with the vet (thank God for her more ways than one!) They have a MILD case she said, nothing major at all. And eve. With our extreme heat and humidity it wasn't until Tues that I even saw one just layin around. Yesterday I saw 5 laying around. So hopefully I have caught this issue really fast!
I think having the boys is my other problem...3 roos to 10 hens. Yes I know not good at all. It's so hard to say no to my self that wants all the pretties (hence less time on social media to feed that part of me!) Much less saying mo to grandbabies - 1 boy is going to live with him but not til next year daughter said.
I tried to clean up the courtyard area yesterday so I could try and finish the roof on side coop but got overheated.

Thank yall for your continued support and help as always! I do miss yall but I gotta limit my time on here too cuz I see all the babies and it's like a drug ya know-so is shopping for me!
Had three more peachicks hatch. Two black shoulder and one white. I'm outside enjoying the morning but will get pictures of them together later. That's the last of friends eggs and I'm hoping the peas have wrapped up laying for the year. It's nice seeing the incubator starting to empty.

Started making a chess table for my youngest. Wanted something special she could take with her when she heads off for college in August. She likes chess and it's small so easy to take with. Started with a $2 yard sell find. Long ways to go but happy with how it's coming along.View attachment 3557425
I do hope you'll share a picture of the finished piece. This is beautiful!
I sure wish mine sounded more like mockin birds!!! Lolol

@kurby22 awesome info! I use DE in the run n dustbath and FSL around perimeter but will definitely add in the run soon as they get my last shipment to me that's 2 weeks late...said new computer system.
I did add 2 new ones...which may very well be what tipped them over the edge stress wise. Will NOT be adding or havin babies for a LONG time! Man have I learned a valuable lesson here!
@TropicalBabies in talkin further with the vet (thank God for her more ways than one!) They have a MILD case she said, nothing major at all. And eve. With our extreme heat and humidity it wasn't until Tues that I even saw one just layin around. Yesterday I saw 5 laying around. So hopefully I have caught this issue really fast!
I think having the boys is my other problem...3 roos to 10 hens. Yes I know not good at all. It's so hard to say no to my self that wants all the pretties (hence less time on social media to feed that part of me!) Much less saying mo to grandbabies - 1 boy is going to live with him but not til next year daughter said.
I tried to clean up the courtyard area yesterday so I could try and finish the roof on side coop but got overheated.

Thank yall for your continued support and help as always! I do miss yall but I gotta limit my time on here too cuz I see all the babies and it's like a drug ya know-so is shopping for me!
Really glad it's all mild! I bet your babies are all back to feisty fast. Good to hear your at the roofing point with your side coop! It's always exciting when a project gets close to finished.

Hope the grandbabies are all thriving and giving you lots of joy ❤️.
Here's where I'm at on the little table. Got the initial first burn in just to set the design. Started to deepen the burn this morning but haven't gotten far on that yet. I was going to fill the empty space near the corners with another branch sweep but going to hold off on that til last to see if I really want it. Think I do but Tami will get the final say on that.
Chickens are all so hot here! I need to reduce my chicken numbers so taking some birds to the friend that gave me Manny last year. Shes going to get the cemanis back and some misc hens. Her favorite little hen is a dwarf serama mix, so going to give her some more dwarf ladies to add to her seramas. Shes a big fan of spots too ❤️.
I'm switching feed from crumbles to pellets. Really small pellets. The last couple bags were X-cel 20% starter/grower crumbles. I like the protein level but I don't like that a lot of the crumbles and dust gets lost.

I found a new feed CHS Payback All Purpose Poultry Pellets. I gave my chickens a couple of cups of it to see if they'd eat it. And they did. Actually seemed to like it. It has a little less protein, at 19%, but I think it will work well, with a side of oyster shells when the time comes.

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That’s what my chickens eat!

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