What did you do with your flock today?

I temporarily lost my chickens today. They weren't holed up in one of their three normal hiding spots. I finally found them, down at the edge of the woods, huddled in the edges of a small brush pile.

One of the cockerels was on top of the pile, standing watch, I guess. It's kind of worrisome letting them free range, but at the same time it feels good letting them just be chickens and explore the world.

And so I could relax for the rest of the day, I went ahead and closed them up in their run. LOL
So, given the various problems I had this round with hatching, humidity, and judas broodies... I made a ghetto-incubator.

It's working well.

The hatched ducklings will not leave the egg alone, probably because it peeps.

This might be the cutest thing ever.


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I moved my 6 week old chicks to a bigger brooder in the run. They had been in a smaller cage in the coop, but the stench from the constantly spilled food was too much. They are much happier with triple the space and I am much happier with a fresher coop for my big girls.. My 12 week-olds are slowly getting accustomed to these new interloper 😀
I moved my 6 week old chicks to a bigger brooder in the run. They had been in a smaller cage in the coop, but the stench from the constantly spilled food was too much. They are much happier with triple the space and I am much happier with a fresher coop for my big girls.. My 12 week-olds are slowly getting accustomed to these new interloper 😀 View attachment 3547341
They look happy and are all young enough for a quick integration ❤️ Pretty babies!
I love them and I don't know if you can get them bantam sized, at lest here in the states. I didn't interact with them much as chicks because as chicks they are very very cautious. As adults they are very very curious and like to be with me because I do fascinating things. Well at lest to them. Its a breed I would have to have in a flock every time.
Thank you! You can get a bantam version over here. They're hard to get hold of but I know of at least 3 places that sell pullets from time to time. That's all good info to know about them. My Shetland always wants to know what I'm up to too. If she thinks I'm not paying her enough attention, she pulls at my clothes 😂 They sound like a good fit for my flock!
Newb here again. We are going to try something different for feeding our girls. Initially, I fabricated two 5-ft. long feeders made from PVC. They do work well, but not in all regards. The girls fling the crumble EVERYWHERE. So, I'm going to do things a bit different. I'm doing away with the long PVC feeders and getting a five-gallon bucket and some little cups that screw into the side that they have to stick their head into to reach the food. I'm hoping that will stop the incredible waste.

Also, we bought a 55-gallon food grade barrel for rain collection that I'm going to modify for a water source. I just need to get a few plumbing attachments, cut some holes, and get it set up. I already set up the gutters and water collection downspout, and so now I just need a few more components.

Stupid me went and bought all that scratch, thinking it was food instead of treats. So, I had to empty those two 5-ft. long feeders of the scratch and go buy crumble for them. All is well now though. Sheesh. So much to learn. We are on Week Three of chicken ownership. If our chickens survive all of my blunders, they (and I) will be all the better for it.
Newb here again. We are going to try something different for feeding our girls. Initially, I fabricated two 5-ft. long feeders made from PVC. They do work well, but not in all regards. The girls fling the crumble EVERYWHERE. So, I'm going to do things a bit different. I'm doing away with the long PVC feeders and getting a five-gallon bucket and some little cups that screw into the side that they have to stick their head into to reach the food. I'm hoping that will stop the incredible waste.

Also, we bought a 55-gallon food grade barrel for rain collection that I'm going to modify for a water source. I just need to get a few plumbing attachments, cut some holes, and get it set up. I already set up the gutters and water collection downspout, and so now I just need a few more components.

Stupid me went and bought all that scratch, thinking it was food instead of treats. So, I had to empty those two 5-ft. long feeders of the scratch and go buy crumble for them. All is well now though. Sheesh. So much to learn. We are on Week Three of chicken ownership. If our chickens survive all of my blunders, they (and I) will be all the better for it.
You are doing great!! These are things we have all done haha 😆 it is definitely part of the deal in owning chickens! The learning curve 🤪
Newb here again. We are going to try something different for feeding our girls. Initially, I fabricated two 5-ft. long feeders made from PVC. They do work well, but not in all regards. The girls fling the crumble EVERYWHERE. So, I'm going to do things a bit different. I'm doing away with the long PVC feeders and getting a five-gallon bucket and some little cups that screw into the side that they have to stick their head into to reach the food. I'm hoping that will stop the incredible waste.

Also, we bought a 55-gallon food grade barrel for rain collection that I'm going to modify for a water source. I just need to get a few plumbing attachments, cut some holes, and get it set up. I already set up the gutters and water collection downspout, and so now I just need a few more components.

Stupid me went and bought all that scratch, thinking it was food instead of treats. So, I had to empty those two 5-ft. long feeders of the scratch and go buy crumble for them. All is well now though. Sheesh. So much to learn. We are on Week Three of chicken ownership. If our chickens survive all of my blunders, they (and I) will be all the better for it.
Sounds like you are right on track... maybe even ahead of the game 😂
Who would have thought little chickens could give us so much to learn? Tinkering is part of the bychicken charm IMO. Your new plans are terrific, lucky you have skills.
If our chickens survive all of my blunders, they (and I) will be all the better for it.
This is what we all do. I promise. The internet (especially this site) and the chickens are helpful and educational. The birds are surprisingly good at letting you know if something is wrong... This website is really good for deciphering chicken scratch. (Hehe)

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