What did you do with your flock today?

I did doody 💩💩 duty and cleaned out 1 coop and put the 💩💩 in a bucket to add to the compost. Filled the small waterer and added feed to their feeder tubes.

This is the set-up I have at the moment for extra shade.

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I let all 10 of my birds out around 8AM this morning, and plan to leave them out all day. I'm trying to encourage them to forage for more food, so this morning I removed their feeders from their living quarters.

I plan to feed them first thing in the morning when I let them out, then again late in the day so their full when they hit the roost in the evening.

Maybe they'll get hungry enough during the day to start working harder at foraging.

This is the second time the new cockerels and pullets have been together, and there seems to be less aggressive behavior. There were a couple little power plays at first, but now they're kind of keeping away from each other. Except for one of the pullets. She doesn't mind being around the cockerels.
Good morning gang and 🌺happy Aloha Monday!
Welp. Think DH may have changed his mind or given in about the shack up Koke'e. Late to the party seeing the wisdom in it. When will he learn, I am most always right... cept that one time 🙄😋. Glad he seems to be coming around. Then we can use the lumber to shore up under the cabin and build a nice storage space underneath it. Save $$$ too. 💡✨

Scrapped boards, scrubbed waterers, glared at jailed broodies, vacuumed up Forests last attempted kill he brought in the house at 6am.
Need to trim some snaggle toenails and do a few checks. Fill feeders and restock chicken Foodsafe. Need another cup of Joe first ☕️.
Burried in bags, laundry and other house chores today. Hoping to get to the weedwhacking today but don't think the day is long enough.

Leaving you with photos of pretty things.
Grazing horses, wild peacocks and kitten who needs a forever home. Have a great day all!!!
Wow, I have missed quite a lot over the weekend I was away on a retreat. Girls had a perfect day, everyone laid an egg. Has anyone had eggs get a little smaller over the season? Mine seem to be lately. Also, anyone have groups of sand like deposits on eggs? They do come off, like caked-on sand. Had a cute spackled egg today.
Good morning gang and 🌺happy Aloha Monday!
Welp. Think DH may have changed his mind or given in about the shack up Koke'e. Late to the party seeing the wisdom in it. When will he learn, I am most always right... cept that one time 🙄😋. Glad he seems to be coming around. Then we can use the lumber to shore up under the cabin and build a nice storage space underneath it. Save $$$ too. 💡✨

Scrapped boards, scrubbed waterers, glared at jailed broodies, vacuumed up Forests last attempted kill he brought in the house at 6am.
Need to trim some snaggle toenails and do a few checks. Fill feeders and restock chicken Foodsafe. Need another cup of Joe first ☕️.
Burried in bags, laundry and other house chores today. Hoping to get to the weedwhacking today but don't think the day is long enough.View attachment 3538985View attachment 3538987View attachment 3538988
Leaving you with photos of pretty things.
Grazing horses, wild peacocks and kitten who needs a forever home. Have a great day all!!!
So much beauty 😍😍😍 Looks like the feral peas are thriving. How beautiful to see them enjoying a natural life!
Wow, I have missed quite a lot over the weekend I was away on a retreat. Girls had a perfect day, everyone laid an egg. Has anyone had eggs get a little smaller over the season? Mine seem to be lately. Also, anyone have groups of sand like deposits on eggs? They do come off, like caked-on sand. Had a cute spackled egg today.View attachment 3539772View attachment 3539773
I took a quick peek online and found this:

12.) Calcium Deposits
Calcium Coated Eggs

These eggs are classified by white, irregularly shaped spots deposited on the external surface of the shell.


Defective shell gland
Disturbances during

Excess calcium in the diet

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