What did you do with your flock today?

You guys I finally finished the most important things left to do on my Cooplex! 🎉🎉 Tomorrow we will hang the bird netting and shade cloth over the runs and then add chickens!! 😎

We lost Milton the d’Uccles that was sick 😞, but Noodle Neck is back with the baby flock! Still giving her vitamins, but her head and neck are mostly in good working condition and she can fly, eat and drink so I figured she could go back with her friends.

Long day, I’m beat!


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Aria has just the softest heart, it’s really hard teaching her these lessons as gently as possible. I’ve talked to my therapist and she reassured me that teaching her these things in a safe and supportive environment will benefit her as she ages—since disappointment and sadness are unavoidable. So I’m trying to keep that perspective in mind. It’s hard for me too, as I can’t be 100% certain they will be treated as well somewhere else, but it’s part of chickening! ❤️
I totally agree...but feel your pain!
It's just like our human moma side to wanna shield them from ALL the pain and hurts in life! But it isn't health nor good for em! You are doing so good by doing what's hard and she'll appreciate it over time.
Well we said goodbye to RooPaul today and it went about as expected. :-( Aria spent all day with him until he left and then sobbed periodically the rest of the day and at bedtime. 😢 Breaks my heart but I really feel it was for the best. He and George were sharing a coop with the two new pullets and the pullets seemed afraid to go anywhere and were always hiding in the coop. After RooPaul left, the ladies came out and tonight during bed check, we found all three of them snuggled together on the roost bar 😍 So the pullets were happy, George is happy, and according to the new owner her little girl is extra happy 😊 Aria has grudgingly agreed that it was a move that made sense and she was happy the girl was to have him.

We got a teeny bit more done on the Cooplex! Runs are built! Next the roof!! Tomorrow!

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We also entered a few birds in an online poultry show, so fingers crossed for the entrants! 😁 Finally got some nice Ducky Jr pictures too!

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Oh wow! Looking amazing! And good luck!
Hello chicken peeps! I have a question. I posed it elsewhere, but got no response, so I'm going to ask here if you don't mind. I'm just curious how often you all check for mites and such on your birds. Ours are still skittish, and we can't get near them without them bolting, so we can't inspect them. Someone also mentioned a vent trim. Is that something we need to do as well? Yup, we're total newbs....

I apologize if this is not the right thread, but it does get the most activity. Thanks.
Totally glad you asked this question!
Mine arent skittish cause im out with em and luvin on em, talkin to em, etc nearly every day im not ill.
However...i do have the most difficult time seeing the critters!
I just bought these to help specifically with this purpose and I still have to hold them right up to my face!
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You guys I finally finished the most important things left to do on my Cooplex! 🎉🎉 Tomorrow we will hang the bird netting and shade cloth over the runs and then add chickens!! 😎

We lost Milton the d’Uccles that was sick 😞, but Noodle Neck is back with the baby flock! Still giving her vitamins, but her head and neck are mostly in good working condition and she can fly, eat and drink so I figured she could go back with her friends.

Long day, I’m beat!
Gosh another loss! Idk how you handle that! Glad the other is doing well.
And the Cooplex is just adorable!!!
Hello chicken peeps! I have a question. I posed it elsewhere, but got no response, so I'm going to ask here if you don't mind. I'm just curious how often you all check for mites and such on your birds. Ours are still skittish, and we can't get near them without them bolting, so we can't inspect them. Someone also mentioned a vent trim. Is that something we need to do as well? Yup, we're total newbs....

I apologize if this is not the right thread, but it does get the most activity. Thanks.
I check a few of my birds weekly and try and switch up what birds I check every week. If one has, assume all may have. I check neck, under wings and vents.
Snacks help to make friends (never more than 10% or less of their diet). Usually teens are skittish but after POL (point of lay) they friendly up.
Hey everyone! Just wanted to show off my Shetland ducks :love Today was a big day because the first of the bunch got her name--Sigrid! These are a critically endangered species that we drove 14 hours straight to pick up... may be just a tad the "crazy duck lady" lol So excited to see what they'll look like in a couple weeks! Are there any other Shetland duck owners in the group?

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Absolutely adorable!!!! Thanks for the awesome share!!!
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Today I went out to clean up the run and gave my girls a quick check. One has a crop that feels mushy. The other has a very prominent breast bone. Any advice helps. They are only 9 weeks old.
It's terrific you are keeping a good eye on the flock.
Check crops in the morning. Should be empty. If empty in the morning and full at night that is probably terrific.
Is weight down on this bird? Bottom of pecking order? Maybe put out another food dish so all can eat and keep weight up especially while they are growing.
Enjoy! 🐤🐥
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You guys I finally finished the most important things left to do on my Cooplex! 🎉🎉 Tomorrow we will hang the bird netting and shade cloth over the runs and then add chickens!! 😎

We lost Milton the d’Uccles that was sick 😞, but Noodle Neck is back with the baby flock! Still giving her vitamins, but her head and neck are mostly in good working condition and she can fly, eat and drink so I figured she could go back with her friends.

Long day, I’m beat!
Terrific! Looks like it will help you meet your goals. Looking forward to seeing it stocked 😉😉😉
Sorry about the baby. Hope things are getting easier for you all ♡
Lots of forward motion!
Terrific! Looks like it will help you meet your goals. Looking forward to seeing it stocked 😉😉😉
Sorry about the baby. Hope things are getting easier for you all ♡
Lots of forward motion!
Thanks! I can't wait to see it stocked either :D So happy to be done with the bulk of this coop!! It feels so good!

I totally agree...but feel your pain!
It's just like our human moma side to wanna shield them from ALL the pain and hurts in life! But it isn't health nor good for em! You are doing so good by doing what's hard and she'll appreciate it over time.

Oh wow! Looking amazing! And good luck!

Gosh another loss! Idk how you handle that! Glad the other is doing well.
And the Cooplex is just adorable!!!
Yeah, when they say parenting is the hardest thing you'll ever do...I never really considered it would be for these types of reasons. :( It truly is so hard to watch a child's heart break. She has accepted that RooPaul needed to go after seeing how much happier George and the pullets Willow and Aspen are and hearing how happy RooPaul is in his new home, but she still cries when she thinks about him and has mini breakdowns :( This is why we keep so many of the boys haha. I can only take the tears and sadness so much!

The baby boy was going to be so beautiful too. I am so mad at myself for damaging him. I will need to do some more reading on subQ vaccinations so I don't ever damage nerves again. I feel so badly...was a roo I actually would have been okay with keeping too. Ugh. The universe telling me to stop expanding I guess. Noodle Neck has recovered nicely and is so very happy to have rejoined her flock of minis.

Thank you!! It turned out a bit differently than I planned. I cut out the window plans, just too much extra cutting and weight on the thin walls. Building my own run was going to be way too much work now that it's summer and hot and the ground is hard as a rock, so the run we bought is a good option for now. Only flaw is that you have to crouch really low to go through the gate and I am not a fan....so the children will be doing a lot of the work inside the run haha. I'm super excited to see them get more space and be happy. :) Everyone has their heart chickens...and mine are definitely d'Anvers. I just love their little personalities and these babies are all so friendly and beautiful. :)

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