What did you do with your flock today?

I think that they are. They have more room to move around now that they have graduated to the bigger pen.

I have a batch of the Welsh Harlequin ducklings that are due to hatch next month on the 20th. Busy, busy, busy. :th
I've always thought the harlequins are beautiful. Think I'm at my max for birds though, and my little snowy call ducks look so similar ❤️. Are you hatching those for yourself or a friend?
I have two baby sparrows I'm raising and they decided today was time to leave their nest for the first time. Snookie and the Sparrows somehow decided they like each other :idunno . Was kinda sad having to separate them for bedtime but better safe. Snookie was probably just glad to meet birds smaller than her that don't peck, and the sparrows just want everyone to feed them 😂
I learned that mine love to eat dandelion leaves. And all the dirt attached to the root ball, too.

I threw a big dandelion clump into the coop yesterday evening and this morning all the leaves were picked clean, and the roots were bare of dirt. The dirt wasn't mixed in the bedding, either. They ate it! I'm glad they're getting all the local microbiota into their systems. Healthy, healthy!

Been working on the run today. The base is installed all the way around, and since I don't have the wall and door framing exactly figured out, it's time to grab a couple beers, relax, and look at the coop-in-progress to figure out what my next step will be. I was planning to put the door on the front of the run, but to do that I'd need to buy a 10' 4x4. If I put the door on the side an 8' 4x4 will work, and I already have one. I'll get a pic of my progress and post it here soon.

Important Question!:
Should the door swing inward or out? Or does it make no difference?

Thanks! Time now to imbibe and contemplate.
Mine swings both ways! The run door, that is...🤣
It's useful when trying to trap wayward chickens at bedtime, otherwise I don't personally think it matters. You might have more control containing any hens over-anxious to get out if it opens inwards?

Mine also adore dandelions. I allow a huge patch to flourish on my allotment along with other wild plants I know they enjoy. I'm considering moving a red currant bush into their run at home. It should help them get more exercise, jumping for the fruit.
I have two baby sparrows I'm raising and they decided today was time to leave their nest for the first time. Snookie and the Sparrows somehow decided they like each other :idunno . Was kinda sad having to separate them for bedtime but better safe. Snookie was probably just glad to meet birds smaller than her that don't peck, and the sparrows just want everyone to feed them 😂 View attachment 3487607
That is so cute! So glad she has baby company, even if they are sparrows 🤣
My current flock seem to like the company of sparrows too, strangely. I quite often catch them hanging out together now they're back to free-ranging. Peggy once ran round the garden swinging a fledgling by the leg, however....
How did you end up with them? I used to raise them from hatchling to fledgling as a kid. We used to have many nesting in the eaves and had many that were pushed out of their nests by bigger, stronger siblings. My mom loves to tell the story of coming home to find me mincing earthworms in the kitchen for the next feed! 🤣 I'm not squeamish at all but I can't imagine me being able to do that now.
I really hope so too! Haven't had time to check yet as we've been running round all day trying to find bathroom taps for our bathroom guy to start remodelling our bathroom and shower room on Tuesday.
I know my mom still has metal bobbins for her Singer and i have one or two from my great-gran's machine but I'm going to invest in more - if I can find some!
I wouldn’t even know where to find them anymore. We have been lucky to find some though is some sewing stuff at auctions.
That is so cute! So glad she has baby company, even if they are sparrows 🤣
My current flock seem to like the company of sparrows too, strangely. I quite often catch them hanging out together now they're back to free-ranging. Peggy once ran round the garden swinging a fledgling by the leg, however....
How did you end up with them? I used to raise them from hatchling to fledgling as a kid. We used to have many nesting in the eaves and had many that were pushed out of their nests by bigger, stronger siblings. My mom loves to tell the story of coming home to find me mincing earthworms in the kitchen for the next feed! 🤣 I'm not squeamish at all but I can't imagine me being able to do that now.
Our neighbors tend to bring me animals they think need help. Mostly babies. I raise and release them.

Snookies been a tough one on finding company for so far. Any chick her size or smaller and she attacks it. Any chicken bigger and shes panics to the point she doesn't eat and drink properly. Even when she's in a safe cage. I'll keep messing with it til I find something that works so she's not alone. Think I'll have to look for a serama. A chicken her size but with adult confidence should do the trick.

I'd just brought her in and the babies were calling for food so I paused to feed them quick. She jumped into the cage, tried to examine them and they gaped at her hoping she had food for them. She got so confused she stayed peaceful 😂. It was a really cute moment ❤️
I've always thought the harlequins are beautiful. Think I'm at my max for birds though, and my little snowy call ducks look so similar ❤️. Are you hatching those for yourself or a friend?
Well. my next door neighbor has 2 males and only one female. I want to hatch at least another female for him, and maybe keep a pair for myself. 4 of these egg's are from his ducks, and the other's are from shipped egg's from out of state, so we should be able to continue breeding them. They are a beautiful bird, and sexable at hatch so you know what you are dealing with right away.
Well. my next door neighbor has 2 males and only one female. I want to hatch at least another female for him, and maybe keep a pair for myself. 4 of these egg's are from his ducks, and the other's are from shipped egg's from out of state, so we should be able to continue breeding them. They are a beautiful bird, and sexable at hatch so you know what you are dealing with right away.
Really love the sexable at hatch ❤️
Got the mosquito bait stations last eve @Gammas Bearded Babies .
Very nice packaging. Thoughtful and attractive. Did not come in a box- did not need to- as the stations are hard plastic. Set one and checked it a few hours later. No squitos gathering around yet. The 🦟 numbers are much less than after the rains but they are still out and about. Will check when the sun comes up and set a few more. 👍👍🤞
Will keep you all posted.

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