What did you do with your flock today?

Getting a late and lazy start to my day today. Its wind free and decent temps, so I'm still drinking coffee and just enjoying being outside.
Today I'm cleaning the yard up. Have a hay delivery Monday and have some wood piled up almost blocking the drive to the hay shed. Lots of winter dead plant stuff to clean up, and have to decide if I'm planting my lady bank rose cuttings or my cat claw cuttings along the side of my newer coops. They're fully covered but need that cooling plant cover brings.
If you haven't looked already, the TudyBOT AI is amazing! We can tag it in a post and it will answer in a post reply. DH is installing a 4x6 shed in the garden for tools and stuff. He had to make a foundation first. Getting 11 eggs. A friend helped me wash the 3 days of backlogged ones. A bit hard to do with one hand. Time to let the kids out.

This may be the wettest year I can remember. Not complaining. Not what @Gammas Bearded Babies or @FBMcrazy8 are dealing with for sure. Hope you two are ok ♡
Nice job @kurby22 looks so dry and fresh. Way to shut those rats out!

Welcome @JennJWarren ! Congrats on your new flock 😁🐥🐤🐤🐤🐤 looking good!

@PopoMyers .... wait... what?! They removed the joint 😳...??!!! I don't think I have heard of such a thing. Wow!
Headed up Koke'e @5 this morning to retrieve the 1 rooster. Lost his pal to possibly a dog ☹ My bad, I had a "feeling" that I should bring them down but did not act on it and am sad now. The guy who was interested in them has a sick hen so we were stalling.... and welp. Darn.
So I got the boy set up in a roo pen just in time for the lighting and thunder show. It was so bad Mango Pieces pooped on a rug infront of me. Poor baby.
So basically shut inside with a V8 and my babies looking for a good movie. Sounds about right.
Today was a big day for our flock. The weather has turned warm, and the barn has been awaiting the new arrivals.

Half of my babies have spent the past two nights outdoors, which was a huge step after hand raising them inside for the past 5 weeks. They seem to love their accommodations.

The second half got integrated with the outdoor flock tonight, and by last check they're all sleeping peacefully. I was overcome with emotion turning off the indoor coop light for the last time. I didn't know chicken raising could be so emotional, but here we are.
It is very wet! Seems every day off is a rainy, windy one, too. 😔 Makes the outdoor work get delayed. Last night was interesting, tornado watch, lighting, thunder, heavy wind, heavy rain & some hail. I got all chickens & pigeons inside & the west windows shut, but went to the Walgreens for something to pad the darn bone spur on top of my foot. We had storms rolling through all day but the worst was right as I drove home. I was stuck sitting in the truck for 30 min as wild lighting bolts blinded me & rain & hail poured. With each time the sky lit up I looked for a dreaded funnel...but thankfully saw none. I finally got a break to run into the house..then as fast as all hell broke loose, it stopped. Weird!
I was thinking of all those people that experienced tornadoes yesterday, my heart goes out to them.
I have deep empathy for those that do get tornadoes. We've only had 2 touch down in our yard here, so far, but it certainly is unforgettable.
It is very wet! Seems every day off is a rainy, windy one, too. 😔 Makes the outdoor work get delayed. Last night was interesting, tornado watch, lighting, thunder, heavy wind, heavy rain & some hail. I got all chickens & pigeons inside & the west windows shut, but went to the Walgreens for something to pad the darn bone spur on top of my foot. We had storms rolling through all day but the worst was right as I drove home. I was stuck sitting in the truck for 30 min as wild lighting bolts blinded me & rain & hail poured. With each time the sky lit up I looked for a dreaded funnel...but thankfully saw none. I finally got a break to run into the house..then as fast as all hell broke loose, it stopped. Weird!
I was thinking of all those people that experienced tornadoes yesterday, my heart goes out to them.
I have deep empathy for those that do get tornadoes. We've only had 2 touch down in our yard here, so far, but it certainly is unforgettable.
Glad you made it home safe! Weather can be scary sometimes. I lived in Kentucky when I was really young. Beautiful country there, but I can remember the occasional tornado warning. That moment when everything went calm would have scared me!
Got a lot done yesterday. All the woods moved, sorted and neatly stacked. Had so many ideas for what to do with it all! Then I looked at all my projects in process and decided I need to finish them first. 🤣 Only have the roof left on my joined coops and really wishing I had help for that. But I got 3 roof beams up by myself, so it is doable. My oldest kids a great helper and home today... thinking about asking her aid. But she's such a hard worker and Sundays her only free day, so think I'm not going to mention it to her. I can do it!

But once that roofs done, I'm not going to start anymore projects that require climbing ladders for a while! 😂

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