What did you do with your flock today?

Sorry I forgot to comment on your card idea @kurby22 . I think it is terrific, not that expensive to do and a good little investment in yourself. Also love the story behind it ♡ Put yourself out there! and keep us updated on your process if you can. I found that my tags and now fliers (like business card right?) are a good game changer for me.

We still have lots of rain with bluster here. I say that because we are sending it your way. For the first time this year, last night I had to close my coop up for weather protection. It was not completely horrible just wet bluster. In perspective I usually have to staple bags to my coop for a few months. I am always grateful for the rain here as I live on the drier side of the isle. So, no complaints ♡ love the weather drama.

The bags have me so busy I am neglecting most everything else lol. Cept chickens and kitties ♡. I just can't seem to get caught up, always chasing near empty stands. Good news is the $ collection was much better this time. And I got fiers or mini mission statements out- not sure what to call them.

Frigging empty stand again ☝ I had to take from my lihue town stash AGAIN to top it off. And new stand is thinning quickly and they have only had a crate till now 🤦‍♀️ Here is their new stand pre load 20230306_120234.jpg love the color- she was happy. I am actively looking for recruits. I need help.

Got kids friends coming this eve to check out chickens and coop area. I may hatch for them. Be a mix jumble of Brahma with the possibility of a few pure buffs but also the possibility of a blue or green egglayer. Always fun ♡

Go pick up 80 empty bags this morning. Sew another as many as I can... not catching up.... 😕

And then there is this...
Sorry I forgot to comment on your card idea @kurby22 . I think it is terrific, not that expensive to do and a good little investment in yourself. Also love the story behind it ♡ Put yourself out there! and keep us updated on your process if you can. I found that my tags and now fliers (like business card right?) are a good game changer for me.

We still have lots of rain with bluster here. I say that because we are sending it your way. For the first time this year, last night I had to close my coop up for weather protection. It was not completely horrible just wet bluster. In perspective I usually have to staple bags to my coop for a few months. I am always grateful for the rain here as I live on the drier side of the isle. So, no complaints ♡ love the weather drama.

The bags have me so busy I am neglecting most everything else lol. Cept chickens and kitties ♡. I just can't seem to get caught up, always chasing near empty stands. Good news is the $ collection was much better this time. And I got fiers or mini mission statements out- not sure what to call them. View attachment 3425606View attachment 3425609
Frigging empty stand again ☝ I had to take from my lihue town stash AGAIN to top it off. And new stand is thinning quickly and they have only had a crate till now 🤦‍♀️ Here is their new stand pre loadView attachment 3425626love the color- she was happy. I am actively looking for recruits. I need help.

Got kids friends coming this eve to check out chickens and coop area. I may hatch for them. Be a mix jumble of Brahma with the possibility of a few pure buffs but also the possibility of a blue or green egglayer. Always fun ♡

Go pick up 80 empty bags this morning. Sew another as many as I can... not catching up.... 😕

And then there is this...View attachment 3425639View attachment 3425641
At $10 each, that means lots of kitty support! Look at yours! They are the cat's meow!
I have always wanted a bigger kitchen. Just don't want to buy another house to get it. Not wanting to move again, either. And, what would happen to my flock?
Yes, you have a point there. I'd like a bigger kitchen, but don't want to have to move to get one.
Pepper laid a maybe soft-shelled egg, well, by the time I saw the remnants of it there was only a bit of yolk and white. There was also a tiny bit of blood.
Probably from the lack of calcium. I put oyster shell for her. Noticed when she pooped that her vent still has some of the crusty stuff, but at least it goes back in afterwards.
She so wants to go back with everyone, or at least be out of jail.
Do you think her friends recognize her? Would it be ok to put her back? I've never had to keep one out for 2 weeks, now.
Kitchen renovations can cost almost half of what we paid for our house back in the mid 80's.
I wouldn't doubt it, the way that crazy prices are on everything these days.
Pepper laid a maybe soft-shelled egg, well, by the time I saw the remnants of it there was only a bit of yolk and white. There was also a tiny bit of blood.
Probably from the lack of calcium. I put oyster shell for her. Noticed when she pooped that her vent still has some of the crusty stuff, but at least it goes back in afterwards.
She so wants to go back with everyone, or at least be out of jail.
Do you think her friends recognize her? Would it be ok to put her back? I've never had to keep one out for 2 weeks, now.
They might not remember her after 2 weeks. You might have to reintroduce her back into the flock as she would be a stranger to them now.
Sorry I forgot to comment on your card idea @kurby22 . I think it is terrific, not that expensive to do and a good little investment in yourself. Also love the story behind it ♡ Put yourself out there! and keep us updated on your process if you can. I found that my tags and now fliers (like business card right?) are a good game changer for me.

We still have lots of rain with bluster here. I say that because we are sending it your way. For the first time this year, last night I had to close my coop up for weather protection. It was not completely horrible just wet bluster. In perspective I usually have to staple bags to my coop for a few months. I am always grateful for the rain here as I live on the drier side of the isle. So, no complaints ♡ love the weather drama.

The bags have me so busy I am neglecting most everything else lol. Cept chickens and kitties ♡. I just can't seem to get caught up, always chasing near empty stands. Good news is the $ collection was much better this time. And I got fiers or mini mission statements out- not sure what to call them. View attachment 3425606View attachment 3425609
Frigging empty stand again ☝ I had to take from my lihue town stash AGAIN to top it off. And new stand is thinning quickly and they have only had a crate till now 🤦‍♀️ Here is their new stand pre loadView attachment 3425626love the color- she was happy. I am actively looking for recruits. I need help.

Got kids friends coming this eve to check out chickens and coop area. I may hatch for them. Be a mix jumble of Brahma with the possibility of a few pure buffs but also the possibility of a blue or green egglayer. Always fun ♡

Go pick up 80 empty bags this morning. Sew another as many as I can... not catching up.... 😕

And then there is this...View attachment 3425639View attachment 3425641
I'd let you set up one of those stands for your bags over here if you could figure out how to get one to me.

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