What did you do with your flock today?

Aw man! Do you have a blog or anything? I'd love to read or watch your adventures and kinda meet your babies in a way
I don't do social media other than being on here. I guess I just have mental animals. Take Elliot for instance. He once caught a mouse and just lay on the grass licking it. He didn't hurt it in any way but it died of shock. When he realised it was dead, he lifted his head, poked at it and then did a huge sigh. He seemed upset for the rest of the day! He didn't catch his first bird until he was nearly 11. Never showed any interest prior to that.
Yeah. We thing the neighbors loose dogs chased it towards our yard and it ran under the garage and into our dog pen. It was 1:30 in the AM. After everything was cleaned up, baby bear was out looking for it. I don't think he really meant to kill it. It had a tooth puncture but the neck had broken, probably from him grabbing it up. Hubby said he was licking its back when he saw it. There wasn't a puncture on the back. Only his feet had blood. His face and everything was clean.
He doesn't normally chase anything but a tennis ball. He has 2 stuffies that he sucks on to fall asleep. I'm hoping this will be the last. I'm patching the garage foundation throughout the week
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Oh my! He's a truly handsome chap. Absolutely gorgeous 😍 😍😍
I have a really big soft spot for German shepherds, malinois, laekenois etc.
Poor bunny! My friend's cat once caught a baby bunny and paralysed it's back legs. She raised hand him and made him a tiny wheelchair. He lived 6 years and she named him Ironside.
I had a dream that I was hanging out with a few of you folks, think we went for a hike. We came back to my house to grab a bite to eat but my fridge and cupboards were bare. Wonder what is up with dreams..? In the future or next time we hang out I'm thinking maybe Subway take out.... you all good with that?

It rained last eve, nothing too heavy, actually a pretty nice polite rain and it gave the chooks a nice reprieve from the mosquitos. This morning the sun is out but i think the weather is iffy for the next few days so I am going to refill feed and spread mulch. Will go up the mountain to refill the boys feeder so they can hunker down too.

Other than that, a little fine tuning on the stand then drop and some bag work. I have to make 5 bags a day to stay just barely ahead of this venture lol
Oh my! He's a truly handsome chap. Absolutely gorgeous 😍 😍😍
I have a really big soft spot for German shepherds, malinois, laekenois etc.
Poor bunny! My friend's cat once caught a baby bunny and paralysed it's back legs. She raised hand him and made him a tiny wheelchair. He lived 6 years and she named him Ironside.
That is so sweet!
I had a dream that I was hanging out with a few of you folks, think we went for a hike. We came back to my house to grab a bite to eat but my fridge and cupboards were bare. Wonder what is up with dreams..? In the future or next time we hang out I'm thinking maybe Subway take out.... you all good with that?

It rained last eve, nothing too heavy, actually a pretty nice polite rain and it gave the chooks a nice reprieve from the mosquitos. This morning the sun is out but i think the weather is iffy for the next few days so I am going to refill feed and spread mulch. Will go up the mountain to refill the boys feeder so they can hunker down too.

Other than that, a little fine tuning on the stand then drop and some bag work. I have to make 5 bags a day to stay just barely ahead of this venture lol
Subway? Maybe we could all just bring a dish with us next time. That was some dream, and like old mother hubbard?
I don't do social media other than being on here. I guess I just have mental animals. Take Elliot for instance. He once caught a mouse and just lay on the grass licking it. He didn't hurt it in any way but it died of shock. When he realised it was dead, he lifted his head, poked at it and then did a huge sigh. He seemed upset for the rest of the day! He didn't catch his first bird until he was nearly 11. Never showed any interest prior to that.
Bear was so sad, like he lost a friend. His sister has no heart lol. And then there's the Chihuahua. Bear has a sensitive soul
I don't do social media other than being on here. I guess I just have mental animals. Take Elliot for instance. He once caught a mouse and just lay on the grass licking it. He didn't hurt it in any way but it died of shock. When he realised it was dead, he lifted his head, poked at it and then did a huge sigh. He seemed upset for the rest of the day! He didn't catch his first bird until he was nearly 11. Never showed any interest prior to that.
My big black dog Iri is very mental. She's my right mazer of a dog. She chases butterfly shadows. All the other dogs come running, sniff, look confused and wander off. Meanwhile she happily dances after the shadow until the butterfly lands. Then she stops, stares right at the butterfly, waits a minute...then gently nudges it so she can go back to chasing it's shadow. 🤣 She's my sweet gentle giant. Not that she's actually that big...but for some reason it's how I think of her.
I had a dream that I was hanging out with a few of you folks, think we went for a hike. We came back to my house to grab a bite to eat but my fridge and cupboards were bare. Wonder what is up with dreams..? In the future or next time we hang out I'm thinking maybe Subway take out.... you all good with that?

It rained last eve, nothing too heavy, actually a pretty nice polite rain and it gave the chooks a nice reprieve from the mosquitos. This morning the sun is out but i think the weather is iffy for the next few days so I am going to refill feed and spread mulch. Will go up the mountain to refill the boys feeder so they can hunker down too.

Other than that, a little fine tuning on the stand then drop and some bag work. I have to make 5 bags a day to stay just barely ahead of this venture lol
I'd be happy to bring food, do subway or whatever ❤️ Can we go hiking up Koke? 🥰
Wow on the bags! That's amazing dedication ❤️
Well...I asked my mom how to make a dish and she went and bought me a crazy expensive rice cooker. Think this thing can launch a rocket or something with it's price 😳. I had to read the instruction manual just to figure out how to open it 🤣. Bless my amazing mom!

So today was spent cooking two different dishes with it... 😂. I have an ingredient list to pick up Wednesday after my walk and then I'll be cooking some more. Of course I'll have to call my mom so she can walk me through it... we'll both have fun 😊

My youngest cut the extra wire off the oldest chicken run for me, but that's all the coop work done today. I cleaned one of the brooders, fed, watered and checked on everyone. Need to scrape the landing board in one coop tomorrow. Let Mina out to play and when we walked towards Jazz, Mina started doing these twisty hop jumps. That excited Jazz so she did her horsey version of it...which scared Mina 🤣. They ate dinner together again, then went to their still separate beds.

Started adding feathers to my beer can chicken. Made his wattles and comb. Silly stuff but having fun with it 😃 Using tape to hold things in place while the glue dries. Using leftover liquid nails from a kitchen project I recently finished...hope it holds up outside in the heat and rain! First time I've tried using that glue this way.

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