What did you do with your flock today?

I don't think I make my increments even one hour, so hats off to you @fd ♡ I kind of judge it on chicken stress level and weigh it out. Only so much torture I can give my sweet littles ♡ Hope was an absolute champ though. She was not a friendly bird to start but she put up with me poking, pushing, grabbing, pulling, flushing, packing 2-3 times a day sometimes. Think it took me 1-2 weeks to get her eye cleared. Total movie but I am super happy I saved her as she is a terrific girl, more so now than when we started. Now she seeks me out and I can pick her up with ease. Must be the extra mealworms 😉
That's a good way to measure how long they can be worked on. I'd hate to stress them out, especially when they're sick. I'm really lucky most of mine are lap birds, so they can handle being worked on for so long. Huge props to anyone who can work on a not-so-friendly birds.
Aww, Hope sounds like a sweetheart! It sounds like she has a very fitting name. ❤️
I forgot to update yesterday, but I checked everyone's ears and they all seem clear. Molly is on meds and taking it like a champ, especially seeing as she's been taking them "raw" and not hidden in any sort of food.

I think I got most of the chunks out in both ears. I'm still going to check her for the next few days until I know for sure, but her inner ears look fairly clean.
Yesterday, along with the hydrogen, I flushed her with saline to help clean out any excess in her ear and the feathers over her ear. After I was done I put neo on the area since it felt really weird to dig around and then just send her out. At the very least it'll help keep the area moisturized after the hydrogen. Unless I see more big chunks I'm going to switch to only saline so she can properly heal.

Today I found her sunbathing on the porch, and she's been hanging out with the flock a lot more than she has been. I'm hoping she keeps looking up.🤞
I forgot to update yesterday, but I checked everyone's ears and they all seem clear. Molly is on meds and taking it like a champ, especially seeing as she's been taking them "raw" and not hidden in any sort of food.

I think I got most of the chunks out in both ears. I'm still going to check her for the next few days until I know for sure, but her inner ears look fairly clean.
Yesterday, along with the hydrogen, I flushed her with saline to help clean out any excess in her ear and the feathers over her ear. After I was done I put neo on the area since it felt really weird to dig around and then just send her out. At the very least it'll help keep the area moisturized after the hydrogen. Unless I see more big chunks I'm going to switch to only saline so she can properly heal.

Today I found her sunbathing on the porch, and she's been hanging out with the flock a lot more than she has been. I'm hoping she keeps looking up.🤞
BRAVO!!! I wonder (hope) her face swelling goes down. Just seems like the ears could have been a hidden issue. Well, wishful thinking🤞🙏
Molly is a brave little girl 🧡
Favorite things. Pullets checking out (and probably tossing) the nest boxes.

Yesterday they tossed the mini coops boxes lol.
Don't think the blonde or dark EE have laid yet or if they did it is hidden.
Think today I will clean and add nesting material to the unused boxes 😉
I'm so glad she's on the mend! She is definitely a strong girl!

@FBMcrazy8 hope all yours are on the mend as well!

Didn't hear but one sneeze this morning...so hopefully I'm just worrying over notin as usual.
Did find another shellless egg on the porch of their coop. Saw several watery poos as well here and there.
Of course the extreme shifts in our weather are insane! Wind gusts again and a drop on temps and heavy rains...snow for tomorrow. We did miss out on the hail storm so guess that's a good thing.
On a sad note the Satins from my flock all came from this one breeder in Alabama and their mom/aunt was killed by a hawk last night. That makes and mom and dad killed by hawk now.
Joey didn't take the news too well...gave me a good bite on the wrist.

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