What did you do with your flock today?

It is brutal here.

I gave in and put the chickens water in their house. I have one chickens whose comb is turning a little grey on the ends. Super nervous about that! I’m hoping it’s just the stress of the cold. They just have to get through the rest of today and tomorrow. Crazy that next week we will be in the 50s!! Wish it would hurry cause I don’t want this weather. Those in Alaska and Canada can keep this…
Yeah I worried bout the cochins and d'uccles combs and then forgot to make a salve of coconut oil and cannabis to put on em before this hit!
I had asked the question to Myers hatchery on their YouTube bout winter prep if cbc salve would work instead of cannabis oil cuz I never got to get any. But I have cbc I could mix with coconut oil if that would do same thing!
I pray all your animals come through ok and that yall can celebrate this special Christmas together as a family inspite of all that's goin on!

@Shetland lover those.are the most beautiful kitties I've ever seen!!!
DH and i LUV tigers! He has one tat on his chest of one and I have one on my shoulder of one looking through a clawed area!
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Yeah I worried bout the cochins and d'uccles combs and then forgot to make a salve of coconut oil and cannabis to put on em before this hit!
I had asked the question to Myers hatchery on their YouTube bout winter prep if cbc salve would work instead of cannabis oil cuz I never got to get any. But I have cbc I could mix with coconut oil if that would do same thing!
I pray all your animals come through ok and that yall can celebrate this special Christmas together as a family inspite of all that's goin on!

@Shetland lover those.are the most beautiful kitties I've ever seen!!!
DH and i LUV tigers! He has one tat on his chest of one and I have one on my shoulder of one looking through a clawed area!
View attachment 3356357
I haven’t heard of using cbd or cdc stuff for chicken combs. I didn’t put anything on them though because I have read that sometimes it’s best not to. And thank you! I hope yours does too! I’m hoping to check on mine throughout the night. I have one who is missing feathers on her chin like are. I think they got stuck and she ripped them out. I don’t know what to do. Should I leave her or bring her in?!? She can still fluff up to cover that area though. We are bringing the goats and ducks in. We feel that there is also plenty of chickens to huddle up together and they are all roosting together.
I haven’t heard of using cbd or cdc stuff for chicken combs. I didn’t put anything on them though because I have read that sometimes it’s best not to. And thank you! I hope yours does too! I’m hoping to check on mine throughout the night. I have one who is missing feathers on her chin like are. I think they got stuck and she ripped them out. I don’t know what to do. Should I leave her or bring her in?!? She can still fluff up to cover that area though. We are bringing the goats and ducks in. We feel that there is also plenty of chickens to huddle up together and they are all roosting together.
As I've seen others on here say ... go with your gut. If you feel you should, then I would.
I'm praying mine are tucked in and safe and sound and I'm not going to open the doors. The winds hallowing something fierce! The camera sound of the wind literally sounds like what you hear on the TV news when they are in hurricanes!
I know they are just animals...but to us they are our babies!!! I tried to feed all mine some leftover ham for protein and fat as they went to bed. Cause the storm moved in faster than they thought I wasn't home to make them a warm meal to go to bed on! So I pray they do well.
Lord keep everyone safe through this and let nothing take away from the real reason we celebrate Christmas!
As I've seen others on here say ... go with your gut. If you feel you should, then I would.
I'm praying mine are tucked in and safe and sound and I'm not going to open the doors. The winds hallowing something fierce! The camera sound of the wind literally sounds like what you hear on the TV news when they are in hurricanes!
I know they are just animals...but to us they are our babies!!! I tried to feed all mine some leftover ham for protein and fat as they went to bed. Cause the storm moved in faster than they thought I wasn't home to make them a warm meal to go to bed on! So I pray they do well.
Lord keep everyone safe through this and let nothing take away from the real reason we celebrate Christmas!
We have the goats and ducks inside. My husband and daughter checked on the chickens and they had some snow on them….not sure exactly how but I covered as much ventilation as I could. But the temp inside the coop is at 0. And the temp outside is -10 with windchill is -37. So I am blessed that it is warmer for them inside. I pray everyone’s animals make it! And you’re right, they are our babies. I feel so bad because I really feel like I have let my chickens down with the ventilation and the snow coming through it. I only pray that they are ok. I can say they don’t have any wind or breeze blowing on them. And when my husband wiped the snow off their feathers they were still warm. It is either new snow that has come in or snow from the silly ones that stayed outside all day. It’s hard telling because of course he didn’t see them go inside. I did give mine some cracked corn before bed. I was wanting to give them sardines but I know today was rough on them and I just knew that they did like cracked corn and would all come to it. As the ones under the coop wasn’t budging from that spot. As soon as the corn was out they finally came.
Winter hit with a bang here today, in advance I went to Tractor Supply a couple of days ago and got two five quart plastic waterers that are kinda bell shaped instead of the jar shaped ones you see in most feed stores, I figured they would be easy to thaw, got extra scratch and cracked corn to be ready and sure enough the waterers were a snap today to rotate out with water, just unscrewed the base and the ice slid right out, did that three times today, (those were worth the investment), Used their treat pan for extra scratch and corn, they ate on it off and on all day today, the cold really didn't seem to bother them much they were out of the house and in the run a lot today so I guess it was a good day for them and me. : )
Here's a little bit of my tropical blessing today. Most blooms at one time from a rescue plant. Still got 4 eggs today, made sure to get them before they froze. @FBMcrazy8 warm prayers for you and your animals. I would feel so helpless.
So pretty! I love hibiscus but I'm allergic to them unfortunately. Good job rescuing it and getting it to bloom so well :wee
🤣We have the goats and ducks inside. My husband and daughter checked on the chickens and they had some snow on them….not sure exactly how but I covered as much ventilation as I could. But the temp inside the coop is at 0. And the temp outside is -10 with windchill is -37. So I am blessed that it is warmer for them inside. I pray everyone’s animals make it! And you’re right, they are our babies. I feel so bad because I really feel like I have let my chickens down with the ventilation and the snow coming through it. I only pray that they are ok. I can say they don’t have any wind or breeze blowing on them. And when my husband wiped the snow off their feathers they were still warm. It is either new snow that has come in or snow from the silly ones that stayed outside all day. It’s hard telling because of course he didn’t see them go inside. I did give mine some cracked corn before bed. I was wanting to give them sardines but I know today was rough on them and I just knew that they did like cracked corn and would all come to it. As the ones under the coop wasn’t budging from that spot. As soon as the corn was out they finally came.
If it's 0 in the coop, your chickens should be fine as long as they're not wet. Chickens cope well down to -5 for short periods as long as they're fit and healthy. I don't know how low ducks can go and the goats are just babies so I'd have brought them indoors too. I can only imagine my DH's face if he came home to goats in the living room 🤣
Yeah I worried bout the cochins and d'uccles combs and then forgot to make a salve of coconut oil and cannabis to put on em before this hit!
I had asked the question to Myers hatchery on their YouTube bout winter prep if cbc salve would work instead of cannabis oil cuz I never got to get any. But I have cbc I could mix with coconut oil if that would do same thing!
I pray all your animals come through ok and that yall can celebrate this special Christmas together as a family inspite of all that's goin on!

@Shetland lover those.are the most beautiful kitties I've ever seen!!!
DH and i LUV tigers! He has one tat on his chest of one and I have one on my shoulder of one looking through a clawed area!
View attachment 3356357

Those are some sweet inks! I love tigers too. When i was a kid it was my ambition to have one as a pet - I asked every year for one for Christmas. Strangely enough, I never got one 🤣
I was so besotted with the snow leopards, I must have stood there over an hour just watching them. Then I found a pen of goats and spent nearly as long there. I had a queue of them waiting for scritches so I couldn't disappoint, could I?:lau
Ok guys, the update of the century for me. Obviously ducks and goats survived. And I don’t think I’m taking them out today either. They are going to have to live in the kennels for just a little longer. The chickens are ALL ALIVE! 😓 I’m exhausted but I feel accomplished. I can’t say I won’t have frostbite get to a few of them but their coop stayed at 0. There was snow that came in and I cover up those vents. So basically ALL their vents are covered….expect I left the top of the vents open, so air could still come through and well no air was being pushed out really but was so they still have some ventilation. I know how I’m going to do this next time. I have a plan. I thought I had it figured out when it snowed last because the only snow that came in is from the front ventilation. I have that figured out but I wasn’t thinking with these high winds how easy it is for snow to come right on in. I have to go remove some snow later today but I’m not too worried about in the bedding as there isn’t a whole lot and it won’t melt anytime soon. But I’m going to have to replace that bedding. And the bedding for the ducks as well. I have a plan for them next time as well. I think that the goats were well protected but because they are babies they just couldn’t do these temps.
Ok guys, the update of the century for me. Obviously ducks and goats survived. And I don’t think I’m taking them out today either. They are going to have to live in the kennels for just a little longer. The chickens are ALL ALIVE! 😓 I’m exhausted but I feel accomplished. I can’t say I won’t have frostbite get to a few of them but their coop stayed at 0. There was snow that came in and I cover up those vents. So basically ALL their vents are covered….expect I left the top of the vents open, so air could still come through and well no air was being pushed out really but was so they still have some ventilation. I know how I’m going to do this next time. I have a plan. I thought I had it figured out when it snowed last because the only snow that came in is from the front ventilation. I have that figured out but I wasn’t thinking with these high winds how easy it is for snow to come right on in. I have to go remove some snow later today but I’m not too worried about in the bedding as there isn’t a whole lot and it won’t melt anytime soon. But I’m going to have to replace that bedding. And the bedding for the ducks as well. I have a plan for them next time as well. I think that the goats were well protected but because they are babies they just couldn’t do these temps.
Yeah I did not take into consideration the blowing snow at all! I hadn't gone down to look yet but my boys are doing their usual so that's good! I'm trying to wait for the sun to come up as the winds are still fierce.
The coop did get to -2.6°F
Lord please let all my babies be ok!!!
Gonna make em egg casserole today and some warm oats with banana.
Silly me forgot one of my jugs of water outside...smh

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