What did you do with your flock today?

Thank you! I just scrambled some eggs and took it out there. I also added some acv with the mother to the water. I have the dewormer, I’m just not sure how much to give or how well it will go. I may have to wait until tonight after it cools off a little and give them bread with it in it. Otherwise I don’t know that I will get most of them. And a lot of them won’t eat from me. They want what I have, but won’t eat. And some linger behind and wait. Ok, 1 does. And she is the friendliest.

I was checking her feet since she has feathered feet and I didn’t see anything but she scratched my hand trying to get away. These are the pictures I was able to take before all this though.

I’m also adding one for their food. I’m wondering if this metal rod has anything to do with it. Because it sets in the sun in the afternoon until about evening hours if it’s not too hot. Cause none of my Ameraucanas or the Easter Eggers are having any problems. Their combs are flat and don’t touch the metal rod. I just seen her do it and I was standing there sweating and it hit me that might be the problem. We want to put a tarp over the front of their home, just haven’t done it yet. I only got one above the dust bath. This just kinda speeds putting one over the front of the house. Which is where their food and water is. We planted a maple tree but for it to provide shade in the mornings probably won’t happen for a few years…maybe next or the following.
*edit because I also wanted to say that maybe I’m just freaking out over nothing but I would rather look silly than loss some of my girls.
Hahahha! I thought you'd never ask!! Of course they are, imo, the most beautiful chickens ever 😜🐓❤️🤣
They’re stunning!! The markings and fluff is absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for sharing!
Sounds like a fun outing for everyone!

So much fun with your kitty! I used to have a kitty that liked to follow me all over. I just loved her to bits.

I've been working on converting the 5 little coops. Started reassembling everything as one big coop, got everything done but the roof...then decided I wanted it as three coops🤣. So tore it all apart again and started over. It's about half done now. My garden looks like a junkyard for now...but working on this gives me time to think through how I want to set up the ducks water.
View attachment 3218804
The ducks want their big water bowl back...the minute I walk outside they start quacking away like mad. The bowl they're using right now is only 20 gallons.
Clyde giving me the eye and probably hoping to go to the pond.
View attachment 3218856
Then Peaky gives me the eye.View attachment 3218858
Then Chubby joins in and all three stare hopefully.View attachment 3218859
Our three sweeties and their babies greeting me.View attachment 3218860
I love your ducks! Especially the multicolored ones. <3
Good morning gang and happy Aloha Thursday!
Much the same here but very windy! The forest is creaking, singing, moaning and crackling 😬😬😬 Gave the kids some oatmeal w/walnuts and craisens, fed lost pup, spoiling kitties. Think I am going to start on my feed bag/recycle bag sewing project. Will have to tune up my sewing machine first. May take a trip down to set up cages so can care for a few cats after surgery ✂️✂️, pick up dog trap, more dog, cat and chicken food.... that may be it.
Missing home todayView attachment 3219559
That’s a great pic! Everyone looks so happy!
Molly is currently on day 5 of antibiotics, and so far there’s been no change. I’m going to give her the full 7, but if there’s no improvement, I’m going to keep looking into Benadryl.

Nugget still looks sick, but she’s acting so much better. She’s been eating with everyone, staying with the flock, scratching, etc., just a little slower than usual. Fingers crossed she keeps improving. :fl

I’ve gotten a few bird pics, but everything is dead here and no one wants to cooperate. Why can’t it be winter already? 😭



Squirrel and Fergus.

Obligatory noodle pics.

Puff Puff.


Beigie, when I first put her back out, so she still looks a little sick in this pic.
Molly is currently on day 5 of antibiotics, and so far there’s been no change. I’m going to give her the full 7, but if there’s no improvement, I’m going to keep looking into Benadryl.

Nugget still looks sick, but she’s acting so much better. She’s been eating with everyone, staying with the flock, scratching, etc., just a little slower than usual. Fingers crossed she keeps improving. :fl

I’ve gotten a few bird pics, but everything is dead here and no one wants to cooperate. Why can’t it be winter already? 😭

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Squirrel and Fergus.
View attachment 3219843View attachment 3219848
Obligatory noodle pics.
View attachment 3219837View attachment 3219847
Puff Puff.
View attachment 3219838View attachment 3219844
View attachment 3219840View attachment 3219841
Beigie, when I first put her back out, so she still looks a little sick in this pic.
View attachment 3219845
Puff Puff is so cute!! What kind of chicken is Iris?

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